...You'd need to export the data to a structured format such as CSV or Excel files, this will depend on your needs. Being aware of this will directly impact the success of the import. To ensure&n...
...ou can map the columns to a specific Jira field. Now, you can classify an issue as a specific issue type by mapping a column in your CSV file that represents issue types in the&n...
...column in your CSV file that represents issue types in the “Issue Type" field. Import parent-child relationships It’s worth noting that if the issues you’re importing already have a p...
...ira Tickets to Excel / CSV How to export Jira tickets to Excel / how to export Jira board to Excel / how to export Jira backlog to Excel are super popular questions. While you can't export a board, y...
Effective budget management is essential, and Trello could be a versatile platform for tracking expenses and finances. If you use Trello for budget management, exporting your data to CSV can be b...
Many a times, teams need to export their issues to a CSV file for further reporting and analytics. However they struggle with not getting the data in a hierarchy, i.e. Epic -> Story/Task -> S...
...n company-managed projects with the Parent field (Find the Details) Additional columns are now required in the CSV import process when linking the existing issues or creating new ones. H...
...xamples Update See more practical examples in my blog article here: https://jlabnotes.com/jira-issues-import-excel-examples/ If you want to see detailed instructions on how to import CSV file i...
Problem: The built-in JIRA Export to CSV only lists the linked issue's key, but not the link type. This is a known limitation. For example, see here: Known Issue. I am performing an export of m...
This is part two of an article about creating a user macro that renders out an attached CSV file as a table. Part one of the article has the code for this user macro. I cannot put the code here as w...
User macros are pretty great. There are so many awesome things that you can accomplish with them. This is a user macro I wrote a few years ago to take a CSV file attached to a page and render it o...
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