Hello, I have mail connected to my JSM project, I constantly see the Read Timed Out error in the mail connection logs, it doesn’t seem to affect the work, but I’m interested to know what it is? J...
...o enable the plugin, but after a number of tries it throws an Apparent connection leak detected error. I tried to clean and install the data again, remove the dependencies connected to Confluence i...
Hello Community, I am seeking assistance with automating the linking of cloned tickets between our Support and Development projects in Jira. Here is the scenario and the steps I have taken so far: ...
I've got several users reporting issues with editing pages. They are getting a pop up in the bottom left corner saying, "we're having trouble connecting right now." I thought it might be an int...
Is it possible from a jira automation to create a document in confluence and that the document generated in confluence is filled with fields that have been entered in jira? Is it possible to do this...
...est --coverage script and the error is mysql connection refused on all of the failed test cases. My application framework is Laravel. I scoured the internet looking for answer before posting this q...
Hello, I have a question as a leader and administrator of one of the Jira sites, I would like to know if I can enable two-step verification for Jira for all my employees automatically. Thank you ver...
Hello. I am looking into having a development team in China access our Bitbucket repositories. I would be glad to hear any experience with connectivity from China? Also looking to hear about about pi...
Hello, One of our customers is trying to use our JIRA software and trying to establish a connection with the "service account". Problem: Steps we do: 1) Logged in with the JIRA s...
Good afternoon. Problems in synchronization The first day I connected Trello to the Calendar, all events, tasks, etc. displayed successfully. And all changes and new notes are no longer displayed, ...
Kindly help on below configurations steps. 1. sample script code for field sync including drop down values. 2. sample script code for status sync. 3. sample script code for default value for...
Message: We've lost our connection to you, so we've disabled editing to prevent any issues. You'll be able to edit once we reconnect. Trying to reconnect... Problem: This message comes up over a...
I have no problem logging in to Trello via browser or app on my desktop, but with my iphone I get the error: "We couldn't log you in Before trying again: * Close any id.atlassian.com windows in ...
...heck connection. The workaround currently is going into the ticket in old view and creating the sub task as before. What I expect it should be doing is opening the dialogue due to required fields w...
I need configuration of Oracle via JDBC connection. Can someone explain me what a different between connection via JDBC and JNDI datasource? https://confluence.atlassian...
Hi community, this is my 1st post as we have decided to implement Confluence DC in our premises. following the online doc, we have copied the install and shared home dir on the the ...
Our connection pool graph does not show any values. The resource is configured via server.xml <Resource name="jdbc/JiraDS" auth="Container" type="javax.sql.DataSource" username="" p...
...ootstrap ERROR [c.a.jira.health.HealthChecks] JIRA couldn't connect to your database 2021-01-15 16:40:13,801+0000 JIRA-Bootstrap ERROR [c.a.jira.health.HealthChecks] JIRA failed to establish a connection...
...wo nodes have low numbers of active connections, one has a high number of active connections which has a distincly upward trend: All of the nodes have identical dbconfig.xml files: <jira-d...
Total loss of connectivity with my board. Total loss of Sync on mobile apps: - both Trello and Planyway. This has nobbled my ability to organise key events. It's a total shamble at Trello/Atlassia...
I just got Rocketbook. Supposed to connect to Trello as a supported app. Now that Atlassian took over, please help me. It won't make the connection. I want my notes in my Rocketbook to be able to u...
...NVALID_CSRF"}} The connection with Jira did not produce any issues. With kind regards Lino
Hi, all...I've got the Jira software running on an Amazon EC2 instance of Ubuntu. Using Firefox on the Ubuntu instance, I can connect to the Jira software (http://localhost:8081) just fine and run th...
...rint(confluence) <atlassian.confluence.Confluence object at 0x029491C0> also does the above output mean that my connection with Confluence was successful? how can i check my rights
Hi, I'm new here so if it is a stupid question, please let me know kindly :). We want to use Confluence for ourselves (R&D) and our Sales and Operations departments. SO we don't have to maintai...
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