I have two forms. The "Lookup" form which is populated with a list of team names and their corresponding team email address (one to one relationship). The Release form which will be submitted by the ...
Hey there, I have a Registration Control in which I want to preset values for a Webservice Dropdown field. The Webservice Dropdown is configured as follows: Webservice Connection: ...
Hi, I am trying to make a 3 dimensional table of the following fields: Product, Mode and Feature, where the intersection between the 3 will have a status (Available, Not Available, Planned). Whil...
Is there a way to hide the headers row on a confiform tableview? Thanks in advance
Hey there, so I have the following problem: Every now and then I add new IFTTT's to my Forms that trigger on modified / on created. This ofc affacts the newly created / modified entries...
I have in my ConfiForms Field the following definition: id.evaluateFormula(IF(EQUALS("Other", "[entry.Ste]"), "[entry.And]", "[entry.Ste]")) This works well. Now I want the result of this e...
When trying to generate a new Jira Issue with a Parent Link as a 'default' parent for all submissions, I receive the below error. I'm unsure why it appears this way as I...
I have been struggling to get a conditionally required field to show a red asterisk via javascript for a few days now and finally decided I need some help figuring out what I'm doing wrong. I have a...
Hey there, got a little issue - hope someone knows what is wrong.. So I have a form (FORM1) which consists of a Field (FIELD1) that is of the type "Smart Dropdown". It points to another F...
Hello, I have a question as in the topic. How can I assign the default value for the "status" field definition? I'm trying to match the proper syntax, but I would be greatful if you could help...
Hi, I have a few preset fields in the IFTTT macro, but components and labels are set as arrays - and it's the only way to make the whole form work fine. I want the JIRAs created to contain ...
Hi Alex (guessing), I have created a working ConfiForm within Confluence that creates JIRAs, but some fields are not being populated into the JIRAs. They are custom fields, I have tried d...
Hi, given the following forms: devices: device: Text type: Text hardwares: device: Smart Dropdown from devices location: Text I want to make a tableview for devices, showing the field...
Hey there, got a little problem: I have a Smart Multi Select field referencing on another form that consists of Emails e.g. privateemail@private.de (not Users / Emails in Confluence ) I wa...
...edd20192a4d" ac:name="confiform" ac:schema-version="1"> <ac:parameter ac:name="formName">RASTechForm</ac:parameter> <ac:parameter ac:name="saveButtonLabel">Add</ac:parameter> &l...
Hi All: Hoping you can assist. I have what I though was a simple TableView Merger that mergers two tables with similar fields into one table that I would like to export I currently only ...
Hey there, so I have a problem with passing multiple Issuelinks (Parent of) to a Jira Ticket via Confiform IFTTT. As I researched a little bit I found that this is a well known bug:&n...
I have two fields in confiform named 'field1' and 'field2'. I am using dynamic dropdown to show values entered by users as a suggestion when a new value is entered for both fields. By default, you c...
Hello, I currently have the filter search area at the bottom of my page, so below my table. But when the table grows, it would be annoying to scroll all the way to the bottom to reach it. I am ...
Hello, I want to add a new line after some text in my table. Myfield is a smart drop down that has two fields, ID and AppName. in the Confiform Field Macro, i am doing the following: M...
Hey there, so I have the following setup: I have a new Field „Test“ in my Form „Main“. It’s a Smart Dropdown field pointing on another form (with 2 values(answer1 and answer2) I want...
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