...on’t fit into a single component. We’ll take the example of SAP Consulting company ABC, which offer consulting services. Their customer's project can have different components, for e...
Jira offers many ways to organize and structure your projects and issues. However, 3 standard functionalities often cause confusion : “Components“, “Labels” and Custom Fields&n...
Effective management hinges on the ability to categorize and report on tasks with precision. For project admins using Jira, components and subcomponents offer a powerful way to streamline workflows b...
...ant to receive Slack notifications about like Incidents, Components etc and the same will be piped into the Slack channel. FAQs 1: Can we export activity logs from Statuspage? A: Y...
...bsp; Frequently asked questions: Why subscriber notifications are not sent for the new Incident? We do not send subscriber notifications just for the component change. It’ll be sent only w...
Atlassian’s new product, Compass, is designed to enhance developer productivity by facilitating better organization and tracking of software components. In this post Katie, a p...
Jira 组件(Component)可以对事务分组,分成比项目更小的子集。组件可以表示不同的产品模块、使用终端、职能团队、地理位置或内容分类等。 口诀: 创建事务,经办人分配你别慌, 指定经办人就是他。 未指定经办人,按规则自动分配: 有0个组件,分配给项目默认经办人; 有1个组件,分配给组件默认经办人; 有多个组件,按优先级分配经办人: 组件负责人最优先, 项目负责人排第...
...称 功能 收益 Subcomponents for Jira 元件的父子關係,與版本的關聯, 增加元件屬性,給非項目管理員開通權限操作 精細化管理版本和元件, Version & Component Sync for Jira 跨項目之間元件同步 大型團隊跨項目協同中的數據一致性...
Hi Community, Welcome back! This is Wednesday again, and Weekly knowledge growth with Jira Guru! Today's topic is "Components, Labels and Custom fields" 1. Understanding Component...
...eports Of course, these are just the most important of the many components in Jira. But it should be enough to gain a good first overview. How Jira Software works If we want to k...
Jira component is an issue-grouping technique, used for breaking all project’s issue pull into smaller parts. 📊 Components offer a great way to structure issues in Jira; especially when you work w...
Components are subsections of Jira projects. What makes a great real-life component? A plug-in for a bigger software solution, a bus route, a marketing campaign, or perhaps a country market in a m...
...s possible without worrying about speed. 🐙OCTO - Component management Introducing component released and unreleased fields Thanks to Octo’s new fields, you’re now able to f...
...pdates "This was the game-changer," Allen said. She combined sprint planning across projects within Structure and changed effort estimates from time spent to story points. Allen used Jira Components f...
...o manage all of your Compass components using good ol’ YAML. And this is just the beginning. We’ve got a ton more features planned for this integration, including importing repositories as Compass component...
Hello community, We have an exciting new Octo release to share with you! As you know, components are a great way to structure issues in Jira; especially when you’re working w...
This App is the power tools of the watching world. Features include: Watch at a project level (i.e. by component, issue type, priority...) Get a field to add watchers in the issue creation p...
Components are a great way to structure work in Jira. You could achieve a similar result if you were to use a different grouping (tagging) mechanism in Jira, like for example labels or c...
...mplementing microservices and creating reusable components to enable faster development. Reusable Components Let's have a closer look at the reusable components approach. For example, the web a...
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