Heads up! On March 5, starting at 4:30 PM Central Time, our community will be undergoing scheduled maintenance for a few hours. During this time, you will find the site temporarily inaccessible. Thanks for your patience. Read more.
×Hello, I see many group discussion messages in my inbox, but the vast majority of them are unavailable when I click to read more. Is this the norm?
Hi everyone, I’m fairly new Atlassian and eager to learn everything about Jira, Confluence, and related topics. One format I personally love to learn is email newsletters—but I'm also very sele...
Hi there! I hope this is the right place to post this question, and also curious if others have been experiencing the same / feel the same. After Atlassian Community Events, sometimes I will get a...
In the last year or so I have found that I have missed many responses to questions I have asked in the Community because they are not appearing in the notifications. Its intermittent; s...
Currently every time you open a new page in this community site I have to confirm the cookies. This is very annoying. I tried different browsers. Nothing helps. Please solve this. I know this is n...
I'm not sure if this is even the right group to ask this question, but I'm curious if a dark mode/theme option would ever be available for community.atlassian.com ? Don't get me wrong, love the community...
...ere, I do miss having a strong Atlassian Community nearby. That’s why I’m excited to announce that I’m looking to start a local Atlassian Community Chapter right here in Freiburg! 🎉 But I can’t do i...
I'm trying to figure out if this is a Community issue or if my IT folks have implemented some new security measure that's messing me up. I'm leaning towards the latter, since I'm having a few other i...
Hey everyone, I've been getting an "Unable to fetch new notifications" error on the Atlassian Community site since yesterday (screenshot attached). Does anyone else have this problem or have a...
I am unable to link my Atlassian University account to Atlassian Community account under the university tab. I get a 400 bad request error when I click on the connect button.
Dear all, I am having an issue in the atlassian community. Every time I am post an answer to a question, the answer just disappears. It is visible after I submitted, but if I refresh the post, it j...
Hello Atlassian Community, We are reaching out to seek your valuable assistance and insights regarding an issue we've encountered with our app developed on Forge. We hope that by sharing our p...
While the Cloud offers powerful reporting capabilities beyond basic dashboards, making the most of cloud-based platforms isn't as easy without the right techniques. Lets share examples of how adva...
Comments in Community posts are ordered from old to new. If I want to see the last comment on a given post I have to click to page 3 or 4 or scroll down to the bottom. I want to see the latest c...
Hello, I received an email to verify the eligibility of the Community/Academic license for our organization, when I follow the verification steps, in the Nonprofit name or Registration ID* q...
...bsp; While the customer portal cannot be found. So there is no way to send in submissions for articles? Or is it? Can someone from the Atlassian Community help me here? And send me the correct portal? &n...
We have a Bitbucket community/academic plan license, my question is: there is a difference between community/academic license and others? or its the same backup policy for all of them? I just find g...
Hello there, Is there any information on how Community Groups are added here in the Atlassian Online Community? I was asking specifically in regard to the Industry Community Groups. I thought i...
Hi everyone, I want to edit authentication policies option like "password expires" but I'm not sure if it will ask users to create a new password when I change it. When we change this, ...
Hello All, I have been moderately active on the Atlassian Community in the last few days. However, my kudos are not updating based on activity. It had been working just fine until recently. It w...
Tried connecting jira using api with username and profiletoken in password but it returns 401-unauthorized we connect web ui using sso
I posted two responses to this question: https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Confluence-discussions/What-is-a-use-case-for-using-a-database-in-Confluence/td-p/2581450#U2586005 One took m...
Good day fellow community I just realized that my answers to posts disappeared on page reload. Could anybody assist me or redirect me to the appropriate support channel? Thanks, I...
...imilar thing for community.atlassian.com? I mean the searches performed by the users here are equally (if not more) important for vendors. All I could find about this is this article from a few years ago....
Good day Community fellows, I just realized that my answers post disappeared on page reload. Could anybody be so kind as to help me or redirect me to the appropriate support channel? That would b...
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