I use automation and jira markup language a lot in oder to set template texts. The new(?) feature for inserting a checklist item would fit perfect in this concept! At the moment we use bullet p...
Buena tarde Pido de su apoyo para solucionar un problema que tengo con el plugin de checklist al momento de querer editar los items muestra un mensaje de error con la leyenda "No se pudieron c...
Hello, Im looking to set up some automation that would essentially spot check certain fields in Jira to see if there was some info. If there is, it would check that item off in the checklist, if t...
In the Android app, when opening a card and scrolling around, random items disappear from the checklist. Sometimes even UI elements like "Add item..." is missing. The workaround I've found is to c...
I want to create an automation to delete checklist from issues as soon as they are Done.
Hello, I would like to find a solution to "link" some tasks of a checklist in a card to other cards. The change I would register would be automatically registered in all the cards. The i...
...ield box. I already have the checklist in the card, and need it to stay so people have a template or can look when needed. So the option of automating adding checklist only when the custom field is p...
Hi folks, I have created template cards for things I do when I am teaching an offering of a specific course. When I have a course request, I take the templated card which has checklists of the i...
I need help regarding Smart checklists now showing on my issue screen when I deep clone it from another project. Both projects use the same Issue schemes, and I made sure Smart Checklist is e...
We would like to use checklist in confluence. currently we use excel to create checklist. There are items to verify in each row and a column to answer if the item is OK or KO and un column to e...
I am trying to set up a automation that will automatically change the value in a field when a specific checklist item is marked "done" and also when it's marked "skipped" Using the s...
Dear all, Is there any recommendation of jira checklist that is free and no maximum usage? Thankyou
Hi! I track my daily tasks in a weekly Trello card that has eight checklists - one for each day of the week, and one labeled Carry On that I copy from week to week to bring incomplete tasks with me....
I want to write an automation rule that causes a certain checklist to be imported automatically into a new story, when the condition is met that a certain template has been chosen: A user creates a n...
hallo - ich hoffe mir kann jemand weiterhelfen. Wir haben uns im Team so organisiert, dass wir Projekte auf Karten mit Hilfe von Checklisten organisieren. die Einzelnen Punkte dieser Checklisten a...
For the past week the Enter key for saving new dates for cards/checklist items stopped working normally. Previously, I could open the date picker (calendar) for a card or a checklist item - e...
Hello, I have a Trello account and i have an issue in elements of checklists. When I click on one element in the list to modify it. The text underline in blue and I can't click in the place I want o...
I have an automation rule that edits the Checklist Text field for a given issue. It adds a couple of items to a checklist. The rule and it's outcome are attached. It happens that it is writing the c...
Can we track a level deeper than a card? i.e. Can we make tasks in a checklist into cards that nest under a parent card? Or can we group cards in some way (other than labels, which feel too broad, o...
I used to be able to paste a list into a single checklist item and it would separate the big block of text into individual items. This was very handy for pasting a list from my notes, or any type o...
Hi there, I am using the free version and cannot see how I would achieve the following Card is in list TO DO and has 3 checklist options to be completed (ticked) Once all a...
...he unique features that make Tick Checklist for Jira stand out: our Instant Search feature. The purpose of this feature is simple yet powerful—to provide a smooth and seamless user experience....
Hello! I've created a checklist on a card. When I try to paste a hyperlink to an external source (eg a Google Doc or non Trello web page) as a checklist item, it loses the link and just pastes p...
...hose cards, we utilize checklists for each stage of the transaction. We also use Loom to create "how to" videos on how the task is done, or is supposed to be done. Question: Is it p...
Hi Community, I have created a Custom Checkbox field with multiple options and three custom fields: Text(Single-Line). The Checkbox field contains three options: Alpha, Beta, Gamma Based on the...
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