Hello Everyone , I'm panning to take ITSM with Jira Service management foundation certification. Already I have tried but I couldn't not able to clear the examination. The learning path for t...
Using the Trello app for Mac 2.15.2-733 We use a Microsoft SSO for all Atlassian products, combined with CBA https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/entra/identity/authentication/concept-certificate-b...
...eason: unable to get local issuer certificate at ClientRequest. (webpack://jira-global-page-ui-kit/node_modules/node-fetch/lib/index.mjs:1495:1) at ClientRequest.emit (node:events:531:35) at e...
...o get local issuer certificate at ClientRequest. (webpack://jira-global-page-ui-kit/node_modules/node-fetch/lib/index.mjs:1495:1) at ClientRequest.emit (node:events:531:35) at emitErrorEvent (node:_...
...inux script: # Prepare Docker Image with ZScaler certificates etc... - | bash <( curl --header "Authorization: Bearer $P...
This question got me confused Why is the answer B here is wrong ? when a story inside an epic is moved the epic and epic links are preserved only the key of the stories change ! any ideas on that ? ...
...atabase and clients are Windows machines. SSL certificates are procured via GoDaddy. Starting with Sourcetree version 3.4.9 users are receiving a SSL certificate error message when trying to c...
We use SSL Client Certificate to login Jira, Now that this has been expiring, I would like to switch to Windows Hello Certificate . So far the windows Hello Certificate has been working fine in W...
...ervice providers. To connect to the service provider API we need to use a client side certificate and the username and password. Is there a way to use the given certificate in Jira cloud? Or did you k...
...SL certificate expiring in the next few days. Out technical team will change the certificate on the F5 on their side and we apparently need to change/install the certificate on the server. The only t...
Dear Support-Team, we have an confluence instance with SSL/HTTPS running. Our Certificate run out, and now we have to change the wildcard-Certificate for Confluence. (See Screenshot attached)....
...uture use if we need to expand to cluster mode) they added the SSL certificate there, and it's working, Jira has ssl - BUT when i want to add an gadget - they are having names like m...
I have Jira and Bitbucket hosted on same machine with nginx which i use as a proxy. I reissue my certificate and follow nginx configuration to update .key and .cert files. After that i restart m...
Hello, I am a Security Administrator who is having trouble getting SourceTree to work with our proxy SourceTree. We have created a combined certification in order to allow SourceTree to pass through...
Hi There, I’ve ACP-JA, ACP-JSW certification and in order to they don’t expire today. I paid for a digital badge (asb-153 pro skill) and yesterday, during my holiday, i took and pass it. However my ...
...atch the public key. I also am not even sure which of these above items to import where as the instructions are lacking with detail. I've seen many conversations about converting certs, or using the c...
I needed to install a new certificate today, created the .JKS and edited the server.xml files to include the new store name and key password. Done this several times in the past, never a p...
According to the warning on How to change the JVM parameter for a Docker container | Bitbucket Data Center and Server | Atlassian Documentation I can set the cacerts/ Java Trust Store path ...
Hello everyone, I got a problem to access a SSL secured Jira with PowerBI via REST API. My situation: - I can use REST API via Chrome, where I installed the SSL certificate to c...
Hi guys, During installation of Confluence at a customer, I have added a custom certificate to the keystore using /opt/atlassian/confluence/jre/bin/keytool -import -alias dev-c...
I'm not able to run the command line on the instructions for Import the server certificate. Our Jira directory path is different from the document. However, i'm trying to change the f...
Hi, I'm using a bitbucket-pipeline to build, tag and push docker-images. I'm having trouble using a client-certificate to authenticate with a private registry. On my desktop-machine(u...
keytool error java.io.filenotfoundexception cacerts (access is denied)
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