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×Bug reporting and resolution are essential for maintaining high quality software development. However, QA teams often face recurring challenges like vague documentation, misaligned c...
...s Project/Space level Administrators can only troubleshoot so much, and we really want to help. A bit of a long shot request here, but if any of ya'll out there have dealt with any similar or the same bug...
Hi Community, we're currently on a free license so cannot reach out to JPD support directly but it appears we are having a bug with editing a project field's drop down. We want to evaluate i...
Atlassian Confluence 7.13.1 I have a page with scheme only. I need to edit that scheme. I press "Edit" button at page, then I select scheme and press "Edit" button again. I change sche...
As part of a sprint, the team works on creating a new functionality. During QA of this functionality, we detect a bug (dev, stage). I want to link this bug to a specific story within which the f...
I've try many way and nothing progress about this error pls help :(
Hi, when I create an automatization, like e.g. after moving to column "Done", move the card to position 1 of column "Done" on the board "My board". When I now rename the board to "My ...
...hough the cursor is in the second column. I've tried to identify patterns, but these bugs seem to occur randomly in tables of various sizes. Does anyone have any solutions or workarounds to these bugs?
Olá pessoal, Meu trello está com um bug de ficar recarregando a página sozinho e deslogando da minha conta. Ele fica fazendo isso repetidas vezes mesmo sem eu mexer em nada. Caso eu faça login n...
I'm finding that when I type 1/2/25 (US date for January 1st 25) Trello is defaulting to 1/2/1925 not 2025. If I'm doing start-end dates, both dates default back to 1925 and then the item is m...
In a custom defined drop-down field, I had defined one of the options with a certain name 'ABC' which I later changed to 'XYZ'. After the change the JQL search to filter on this value is not returnin...
❓Want to learn an effective way to track bugs in Jira? We have the solution for you. Whether you’re a product manager organizing projects or a reporter looking for accurate bug r...
Hi I'm getting the following error when trying to access any of the menus in https://admin.atlassian.com/ "Uh oh! Something went wrong. There was a problem fetching the organization n...
When using 0.7.3 of the upload pipe you can shoot yourself in the foot if you have navigated away from the clone dir with your script entries in the step. The pipe will not find any globbed file pat...
Hi to export a Database to CSV gives the following error: "Hyperlink undefined is not loaded." Anyone found a workaround?
When a page is created and a Word document imported, a duplicate "Untitled Draft" is created. The duplicate must then be deleted. Steps to recreate:
Hi! Is it possible to make automation in scenario like: 1. I have few epic issues which summary have "[BUG]" 2. If i create new issue with issue type "bug" and link to the epic which s...
Bug: when typing in "/" in issue page, it triggers search input textfield, can anyone please fix it? it displays "Something went wrong with showing initial results"
On Firefox Snap for Ubuntu v131.0.2 started in in "Troubleshoot Mode": I can open trello and open boards and cards. I can´t: Create a new board Create a new card Add an attachment to a card
Bug: cannot insert "/", which triggers search input textfiel, please fix it immediately!
...ense. Can anyone confirm this bug?
Lately, I've noticed that when I view a card on an archived list, it no longer shows the list name. Under the title, it shows "in list" but then doesn't show the list name.
I can view the card in the Trello app on Android. But in a web browser on a PC (Firefox), it shows an error. The card is https://trello.com/c/y1Cqb6k5 The error is: Something's gone wrong Error d...
...Is there a place to follow if and when this will be fixed? It looks like a pretty big bug to me, as I cannot build my timelines as I want.
I am unable to create or move cards. Additionally, when I go into a card and attempt to click the move button, it returns an error provided in the photos. Additionally, logging out provides another e...
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