...eriodic screenshots can work as a longitudinal report. An audit of Jira has three pillars Of course, the work doesn’t stop there. The audits we do at our clients have three main pillars: The v...
Today, we wanted to let you know about an upcoming change that may impact your audit log retention as it pertains to Atlassian Access. Audit log data expiration To comply with the i...
Hi, we had some weird thing happen in our Jira instance. I just noticed in our audit log, that a user, who does not have Jira Administrator or Jira System Administrator permission, copied a...
I want the customers to my service desk project to be able to generate their own audit reports based on the issues submitted by them / their organization. How do I achieve this?
Hi, i have tried many times to access audit trail api with oauth access token but it gives below error. URL: https://api.atlassian.com/ex/jira/4f29d106-fce6-4bdd-9010-e1774875bc82/rest/api/2/audit...
Insight audit logs not contain the key of old objects anymore. In the version 6.2.1 we are getting id's for the old objects instead of keys. It is impacting many scripts we are running. For the n...
...eam members outside my team should not be able to change the issue level security. This is taken care by setting right permissions to right groups. We want to conduct regular audits to c...
Hello, Does anyone know if there are possible solution, or plug-in for Jira Software Cloud that will allow audit log being exported automatically, or be kept permanently instead of the d...
Hi All, We would like our security team to get access to the jira audit reports without manual login and clicking to export, so that they could export the security reports via api key. A...
...pdates with other details but i require the values of who (and when if possible) they approved the change to be add to the log. (Past Approvals) For example - when a change is completed we want an audit l...
Can I extract a list of all the users so that I can see when they last logged in to Jira
I have a project where deployment must go up the stack within the same card. I set the workflow up to go Implement Lower Environment Validate Lower Environment Implement Staging Environment...
So we lost the control of who is an admin and who need to be an admin on jira, and we want to control or prevent settings changes. There's a way to control this situation? Ho...
Hello all, Is it possible to find out when a user started to watch a users profil and also when he stopped watch that profile? Audit Log dont have that information, maybe some systemlog or D...
Need help to find who and when a closed sprint was reopened. User claims a sprint was closed few weeks back and it's in open state now.
I'm doing a year-end clean-up of our Confluence site and the permissions are a hot mess (multiple administrators over time). Is there a way to get an audit of who has access to what pages through w...
Hello, Is anybody aware of how to achieve a higher level of auditing in Bitbucket's cloud version? Is there a feature we can enable or would the API suit such needs? Our r...
It pretty much should cover almost every use case – sync files back and forwards (work offline), enforce code reviews, fork off the project for subsequent testing / audits. But has anyone t...
The audit log from Jira (https://___.atlassian.net/auditing/view) was working fine but one day (23 october) it stopped logging events. Therefore all the webhooks integration didn't work anymore....
Good afternoon I am trying to export the Audit log (from System > Audit Log) for a period of eight weeks to give me some trial audit data. However, when I select eight weeks from the Time s...
I'm looking at the audit log and I see that most entries have an author that refers to a real JIRA user. However, some entries have an author of "JIRA". What does this mean? Does it mean the a...
We provide logins to our clients to access our documentation through Confluence, and our Client Management team would like to be able to have insight into which page each client accesses.
Hi all, for process verification purposes, I need to extract information on existing JIRA issues from our JIRA installation... In particular, I need to know who executed which transaction hsa b...
Hello, We have multiple administrators in the system and need to understand changes that each has made. When looking at ->System->Audit Log I am only able to see a limited set of changes. F...
How can I get an SOC from Atlassian for our SSAE-16 audit? We use several Atlassian products: JIRA, Confluence, and Bitbucket. Thanks.
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