in our situation, sometimes in one file may be two persons edit the same time. And when save out, it will last one edition. so does it support serveral users edit the same time ? or when one user edi...
Hi, Could someone please let me know " for Jira" app can be used for Confluence as well or not please. We assumed that it would work, but I can't find it in my apps in Confluence. Do we nee...
How useful is for Jira beyond the for Confluence Add-on? We have both Jira and Confluence connected thru app-links, and plan to install in Confluence. What benefit...
While the solution probably could not support a custom font in the PDF export because the font files must be included - a local JIRA server installation could possible support that. ...
recently install two plug-in for draw diagram. first is gliffy for gira and correctly work nice draw. second is for jira not work. 1) Add diagram click 2) there are not appear edi...
We are trying to add a addon (Draw.IO) on Cloud, to our account. However, it displays the the addon can Read Read data from the host application Write Write data to the host applicatio...
I can see that other versions of have support for viewing previous versions of the document. Is it possible to also view previous versions of the document in the Jira plugin?
We are running a test environment updated to 7.10 we can edit and view historical diagrams but cannot add diagram to an issue, once clicking the option it does nothing. Anyone else h...
I can only find the entrance here and when I added it, it will be turned to attachment. I wish I can use it in here: And when I double click it, I can modify it again. Who can help to int...
Some JIRA projects we setup on our server has no need to include drawing. We'd like to not present the "add diagram" button to user. Is this possible?
Hello, our JIRA is slidely outdated, so we plan to update it in the near futur. To be safe that this older plugin version will not be a problem there we would like to know if this plugin is entirely...
After an JIRA upgrade we lost the 'add diagram' from the menu. If an issue has an existing diagram it can be edited. I have made sure all three permissions are correct. What next ?
Problem: When I copy a space using ScriptRunner addon, it copies only the latest attachment (not all revisions) of course. So, the original attachment revision 8, becomes revision 1 at the new spac...
I can create and edit my diagrams just fine, and they show when in edit mode. but the diagrams aren't shown on page previews nor in the knowledge base portal i'm building! How can i get the diagrams ...
Hi, When I copy a diagram from one doc to another, and try to edit the copied one, shows 404 page? Please help. Thanks Sawyer
Hello When I insert url link into text most of the time the link disappear. Does any of you know a way to fix it / a workaround? Thanks in advance --- I can not answer (not enough points...
We just installed the plugin for Jira 6.3.14 and anytime we hit the save button we get an error: "Error saving file." I found one other discussion on this but the fix was upgrading to postgre...
I have a diagram on a Confluence page. I want to copy that diagram to another page and then edit it there. The "Duplicate" button works, but only when copying the diagram to the same page. ...
I just wanted to ask if there are any feature or functionality differences between the free JIRA and paid-for Confluence plugins?
Unsere internen Kunden aus dem Business fragen, ob mit dem erstellte Zeichnungen langfristig auch dann noch in den Confluence-Seiten verwendbar sind, wenn das Add-On nicht mehr als Li...
We want to allow anonymous users on Confluence to view objects, is this possible or on the roadmap?
The EULA which is linked at the for JIRA Server plugin states 'This Agreement takes effect on the date on which you install the plugin into any Confluence installation.' Therefore, as far a...
When I try to add a diagram on an issue through 'More > Add Drawio Diagram" I get a single line of plain text, no dialogs, saying "This plugin is an evaluation copy". This is on a ...
I found that giving the attachement rights to create attachments to anonymous users allowed them to add the diagrams but providing them with delete rights does not give them rights to edit th...
I would like to suggest a few improvements for : - It would be very usefull to have some more pre-formatted styles that could apply to the selected shapes : usually we want to change both t...
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