Hi, is there any way you could restore the below course? https://training.atlassian.com/course/acp-100-certification-prep-course It has been linked multiple times in different threads...
I have about 6 years of Jira administration. Does anyone have training material recommendations? Thanks in advance!
Could you please offer some insights into the current state (if you will) of ACP-100 exam, which provides the ACP-JA certification badge? The link below is the official page, from 2021...
Hello all I am in the process of getting ready to give ACP-100 exam... Aiming to give this exam in less than 2 months..(I guess, ACP-100 Exam validity is 60 days Not 90 days).. Any one is in...
Boost your Jira Admin certification exam scores with new, free Exam Success courses. Hi everyone! This is Julia from the Atlassian University Certification Team. I’m very excited to te...
Today is the great day for me as I passed ACP-610 (Not a great score though to be honest as I know, Atlassian certifications objectives & Goals) Now, I am thinking about ACP-100 Certi...
I guess many Atlassian Certified Professionals, will agree that some JQL questions which we had in our ACP exams were tricky. These questions can be easier to answer, if you follow the Atlassian...
Hello, Planning to Take ACP-100 exam. Currently working remotely and decided to take home test. What are the challenges when we take home test. My main concern is power cuts, definitely we may hav...
As Part of the ACP-100 Preparation Materials, it mentions that you need to know information surrounding logging . (See Below) My question is specifically around TRACE logging, I cannot see it define...
Did Team '21 get you even more excited about Atlassian products… so excited that you want to earn a Certification and grow your career with us? There's still time to register for the July cohort of...
trying to clear acp 100 suggest me some studymaterials ,course
As part of an ongoing series, Atlassian University offered this free webinar to strengthen your Atlassian product skills and learn directly from Atlassian experts. Together, we learn...
Together: A better way to prepare for an Atlassian Certification Atlassian University is excited to offer a free Certification Accelerator Experience, exclusively designed for Team 21 attendees. ...
February 2021 marked a moment of change for Atlassian Certifications. Let’s review what we updated and look forward to our upcoming Certifications! (Link to our October 2020 retirement announcement....
https://confluence.atlassian.com/adminjiraserver072/advanced-workflow-configuration-828787971.html#Advancedworkflowconfiguration-addingaconditionAddingacondition As the documentation stated, I t...
👀 Read Looking ahead to new Certifications and Badges in 2021 for what's next! This post was created in October 2020, and last updated on 17 February 2021. Atlassian University is continuou...
Hello, Can someone answer if we can buy the ACP 100 Certification Voucher on behalf of someone? Also, can this Voucher be transferred to someone else? in short will the voucher be user specific? Than...
Hey Guys I'm planning on taking the ACP-100 exam, as I've been a Jira admin for 5+ years now and want to make it official. Whats the format of the exam? Classroom based with your own laptops open...
just now I have done the registry for the acp exam,which includes both ACP-100、ACP-200,It‘s a bad decision. I should preparation more to deal with with the exam.So I have to cancle the registration,...
Hi there community, I must have lost the bill for my ACP-100 certification which is needed by my company. Is there a way to retrieve this from my certification portal profile somehow? I have alread...
Howdy Friends ! Curious question , Do we have an option for online proctored Atlassian certification exam for ACP (100-500) , seems like there's an option "Private Exams (Special Accommodations)...
We’re happy to announce a big change to our Atlassian University pricing: Certification Exams and Prep Courses now cost less! Professional-level exams are now $250 (ACP-100 through ACP-500; s...
Starting December 11: Everyone can earn and display Skills Badges—for less 💰—plus Certifications will be valid for a longer period of time. We all know the power of an Atlassian credential. It bri...
Four new Atlassian University courses to get your teams up-to-speed in Jira and Confluence Cloud Whether you’re migrating to Cloud, scaling up your teams, or just been waiting for more help on-boar...
Hello Certified Administrators, I wonder if the scope of ACP-100 exam scope requires to update differences between version 7 and the 8+ ones? For couple of months I'm working only with 8+ a...
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