Export field values to excel?

Stuart Lawson February 2, 2014

Is there a way to export all of the field values along with the field names?

i.e., the field export tells me there is a field called issue type, but is there a way to list all of the issue types? (and same for all other fields)


2 answers

1 vote
Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Community Leader
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February 2, 2014

No, there's no real way to do this because it's a bit complex (project contexts allow different lists in different places) and not really particularly useful for most people.

It might be better to explain why you're looking for this, we may have a decent way to get there.

Stuart Lawson February 2, 2014

OK thanks Nic. The main reason I want to do this is to help me rationalise the data. When we created our Jira instance we populated it via an csv import from our previous system, and it migrated all of the old field names and field values across. We don't need many of them, so to help tidy them up it would really help to have them listed out in one place, rather than have to trawl through manually. Any tips with how to do that more efficiently would be appreciated!

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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February 2, 2014

Hmm. That does need a bit of thought, I still think you'd end up trawling through a lot of the UI to work out usage.

I'd try a different approach, which is still a form of "trawl manually".

One trick I use - create a filter for "all issues". Then you can investigate each field, method determined by field type (note that this assumes a field has a "global" context - if it doesn't, then you'll need to change the filter to narrow it down).

For example, if the field is some form of select (single/multi/radio/checkbox), then go to your dashboard and add a "filter statistic" gadget, using the "all" filter and group by the field. That gives you an idea of usage of each option. For text fields, add a "is not empty" clause to the "all" filter to find out how many issues are actually using it.

Stuart Lawson February 3, 2014

Thanks Nic. I ended up creating a filter for all tickets and then exporting that to excel - using filter views in excel then shows me all of the field values. It won't list them all out neatly & automatically, but it will do! Thanks for you quick & helpful response.

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Bob Swift (personal)
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February 2, 2014

JIRA Command Line Interface has a number of list actions for various constructs. They produce csv files that you can load into Excel. Go to the Documentation page, click on the Category column heading to sort by category, then scroll down to the Lists section to see what is available and see if that helps.

Stuart Lawson February 3, 2014

Thanks Bob - that looks useful, I will save the link and check it out.

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