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CSV import with select fields

Jonathan García April 24, 2024

Good afternoon,

When importing from a CSV a select field with several options (Preproduction||Production), it only inserts the first value Preproduction.

How can I solve this problem?

Thank you very much,

Thanks a lot.


Buenas tardes,

Al importar desde un CSV un campo select con varias opciones (Preproducción||Producción), sólo inserta el primer valor Preproducción.

¿Cómo se puede solucionar el problema?

Muchas gracias,



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Joseph Chung Yin
Community Leader
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April 25, 2024

@Jonathan García 

Welcome to the community.  What you need is to prepare your CSV file by -

For multi-select field, your CSV file will need to have multiple columns example -

IssueType, Summary, Custfield, Custfield, Custfield, Custfield

bug, "First issue", option1, option2, option3

Afterward when you execute the import process, you will map the custom field to the same Jira custom field in the configuration.

Take a look at the following reference link -  Look under the section named "Aggregating multiple values into single fields"  The example uses the Component/s and Fix version/s fields to illustrate the point.

Hope this helps.

Best, Joseph Chung Yin

Jira/JSM Functional Lead, Global Technology Applications Team

Viasat Inc.

Jonathan García April 26, 2024

@Joseph Chung Yin  Thank a lot, I will try it :)

Jonathan García April 26, 2024

I tried it but it doesn't work for me, I probably didn't do the right steps, sorry.

The field "Entorno" is a select that has several possible values "Producción", "Integración" and I want to import in an object "Entorno=Producción Integración". In my csv, I have created a new field called "Entorno2".


Then I mapped the field "Entorno=Preproducción" and "Entorno2=Integración" to "Entorno".




When importing, it does not add the two values (Producción, Integración" to the "Entorno" field.


Thank you in advance for your help.

Joseph Chung Yin
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
April 26, 2024

@Jonathan García -

When you map the CSV file field, you need to map the first column to the Entorno Jira field, and then map the 2nd field to same field again.  

Are you using the out the box import process, or you are using a third party add-on?  It is because the out of the box UI will not allow you to map two fields (columns in your CSV file) to a given Jira field within the same line.

Best, Joseph

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