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Can you add free standing bullet points in Automation

James Gray April 5, 2023

I am using Automation to attach an internal note on a customer ticket to be used as a summary of the issue. I am trying to add a bullet point below the header for my team to use in the automation, but it doesn't work. Example of what I want to do below, any thoughts?


  • This is what I want



but this is what I get

2 answers

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Tessa Tuteleers
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April 5, 2023

Hey @James Gray , 

welcome to the community! 

Funny thing I just ran into a few days ago as well. 
The trick is that you need a hard return (enter) to finish the line. 

The space above is created by a hard return.
This line is put below the previous line with a soft return (shift enter). 

I found that using a hard return creates the bullet point, and a soft return does not. 

(if you don't want the open space, use a hard return and then afterwards type a backspace at the start of the next line, the space will be gone, but the bulletpoint will still appear..)

Hope this helps! 

- Tessa

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Rilwan Ahmed
Community Leader
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April 5, 2023

Hi @James Gray ,

Welcome to the community !!

Use styling as below


* First Line
* Second Line
* Third Line

Output will be:


This guide will help you know about more formatting.  

James Gray April 5, 2023

Hi @Rilwan Ahmed 
Is there any way to just have the bullet point without the text, shown below?
Thanks for the reply!


Rilwan Ahmed
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
April 5, 2023

Bullets will work only when it has content infront of it.

I have workaround which mayn't look good for formatting though.

Use full stop between asterisks as below. 


James Gray April 5, 2023

So that worked, but it didn't make them functional.

Thanks for the suggestion!

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