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How can i assign specific subtasks to specific people of one parent issue?

Benedikt Heiss March 24, 2023

Hi togehter, 


i am trying to assign different substasks of one parent issue to different people. So that later on they can get notified automaticlly via E-Mail what subtask of one and the same parent issue they have to do. 
I thougt about JQL for selecting the speific subtask and do the following for each subtask individually: subtask question.png

Does anyone of you know how to solve this problem? I just know how to select all subtasks of one parent issue and assign them to one but not how to select different subtasks of on and the same parent issue and assign them to different people automaticly.

many thanks! 

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Jack Brickey
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March 24, 2023

Hi @Benedikt Heiss ,

Regarding the notification piece of your question, they should get automatically notified when the issue is assigned to them if you set up the notification scheme to do so. In other words, you don't need to use automation for sending a notification to the assignee.

as to the actual assignment piece of your post, do you have a question about how to achieve this question are you trying to do something via automation?

Benedikt Heiss March 24, 2023

Thanks for your answer. 
I guess my question is rather how i achive to assign different subtasks of one parent issue to different people so that they get automaticly notified if an issue goes from Status x to Status Y.  
Maybe some more Background Information:
We´re trying to display and automate our onboarding process. So If one Ticket goes from Status X to Status Y, there are automaticly 5 subtasks created like "sign xx" or  "fill out xy". 
So we have five subtasks for one parent issue that different people are responsible for. Know we want that everyone is messeaged automaticly via E-Mail what subtask they need to do. Therefore we need to assign the specific subtasks that are generated automaticly with the specific user who is responsible for the given subtask. 

So the general problem is how to seperate the subtasks of one parent isssue i guess. 

I hope i could describe my problem a bit better. 



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