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Is it possible to customize the help center after connecting to a Confluence?

Hiromi Kobayashi January 18, 2023

Before connecting with Confluence space, the Service Management page shows all categories and it is easier for customers to input requests/questions. (image:A).

However, after connecting with Confluence (The content is about FAQ for our products.), the FAQ pages became the top of the screen and hides the Service Management page. I think it is confusing for customers because the input page is hidden in a deep passageway under "need to raise a request? contact us." box. (image:B)

Is there any way of showing the image:A as a top/prominent page and keep FAQ list on the edge of the page?



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Dave Mathijs
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January 18, 2023

HI @Hiromi Kobayashi

This this done intentionally by Atlassian as they want customers to read KB articles first before submitting a request in order to deflect requests.

By putting the request form above the KB articles, customers are not encouraged to search the KB first.

You cannot change the location to my knowledge (unless you would use a third-party theming app maybe).

Hiromi Kobayashi January 24, 2023

Hi @Dave Mathijs 

Thank you so much for your quick response. 

I understood that the layout of the Help Center cannot be changed and this feature originally designed as intended by Atlassian.

The support team recommended me to vote on the following feature request. So, I added my comment and vote it. 

[JSDCLOUD-10287] customize layout of Knowledge Base categories in Customer Portal - Create and track feature requests for Atlassian products.

I would appreciate it if you could vote it if you are interested.

Thank you!


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Dave Mathijs
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January 24, 2023

@Hiromi Kobayashi You have my vote!

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Hiromi Kobayashi January 24, 2023

@Dave Mathijs 

Hi Dave, thank you so much! Your response is always very quick. amazing..

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Alex Koxaras _Relational_
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January 18, 2023

Hi @Hiromi Kobayashi 

You forgot to attach the screenshots, but if you are referring to the search field on the help center (image below):

search help center.png

Then unfortunately you can't change it. You may search if you want here in case you find an existing suggestion about your request, but from my search I didn't find any. This means that you can create your own request there and vote and watch it as well. If you do, make sure to paste the link here in order to help other users to find it more easily.

Let me know if that helps!

Hiromi Kobayashi January 24, 2023

Hi @Alex Koxaras _Relational_ 

Thank you for giving me a piece of advice. I did not know that there is a system of suggestion regarding users' requests.

I also asked the support team and they recommended me to vote on the following feature request. So, I added my comment and vote it. 

[JSDCLOUD-10287] customize layout of Knowledge Base categories in Customer Portal - Create and track feature requests for Atlassian products.

I would appreciate it if someone finds this information and vote it, too. I appreciate your suggestion.

Thank you!


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