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If i cancel the change Request then it will show a message that Are you sure you want to cancel

Sreenadh January 18, 2023


If i cancel the change Request then it will show a message that Are you sure you want to cancel CR

button should be populated Yes/No

If i click "Yes" then only it will move to "Cancelled" Status

If i click "No" then it will stay in the "Under Review" Status



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Alex Koxaras _Relational_
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January 18, 2023

@Sreenadh hi,

Unfortunately you can't do that in Jira cloud. I mean even you have added a transition screen and placed the custom field inside that screen the following will happen: If you don't add a condition or a validation, then even if the user presses that he doesn't wish to cancel the issue then the issue will transition to cancel and then you have to find a way to transition it back to the previous status.

Are you going to expose this transition to the customer?

Sreenadh January 19, 2023


@Alex Koxaras _Relational_ 

Are you going to expose this transition to the customer?--Yes, correct.

I want to do for whenever ticket is Cancelled at the CR level.

Alex Koxaras _Relational_
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January 19, 2023

You can achieve this only for your agent, but not for your customer. At least not without an app.

Sreenadh January 19, 2023

Please find the attached screenshot 4.PNG

If i Select "Yes" then  Click on  Cancel Request  then only it will "Cancelled"

If i select "No" then Click Cancel Request then it will stay in the "Under Review"

Alex Koxaras _Relational_
Community Leader
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January 19, 2023

@Sreenadh the above implementation that you describe, will not work as you expect it. If that user selects "no" and then hit "Cancel request" there isn't a way for the popup to "vanish" and for the issue to stay on the current status. Clicking "Cancel Request" means move forward to the next status, which in this case is "Cancelled".

So you can add a read only message to this screen which will say "If you cancel the request you can't reopen this issue" (or similar)  and you leave the agent to decide if he wants to press cancel request or cancel:


Create a custom field of type "message custom field (for edit)"

cancel field.png

Set the default value to the one you want

cancel edit default value.png


Test itcancel transition screen.png

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