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Adding a User Group doesn't give those people access to the project.

Allison Stewart January 18, 2023


I have a project that has 5 User Groups assigned to it with permissions of Service Desk Team Member.

However, when I add a new user to that user group, via User Administration, that person does not actually have access to my project.  I have to go into the project and add them specifically.  Then they can use it.

I thought that using User Groups would eliminate me having to add everyone separately to the project.  What am I missing?


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Brant Schroeder
Community Leader
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January 18, 2023

@Allison Stewart If the user group provides the necessary access to the project then the user just needs to be added to the group.   There are two things to take into consideration here:

  1. Is the user that you are using licensed to use the Atlassian application?  
  2. Does the user group have the same permissions that you are adding the individual user to?

I am wondering if your issue is due to the user not being licensed to use the application and just being added to the group.    Can you confirm that the group has the same role on the project that you are adding the individual user to?  And can you confirm that when you add an individual to the group they are licensed to use the Jira service management?   

Allison Stewart January 26, 2023

Thank you for your answer.  Yes, the users are licensed ServMgt users.  When I add them to the group, via User Management, they do not seem to have access to the project where the group is assoicated.

Brant Schroeder
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
February 3, 2023

@Allison Stewart Does that group have the same role on the project?

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