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Portal Settings Status

Tiago Dias January 10, 2023


I have searched in different posts but I am not being able to solve the problem of showing more status than I want.

In the service project, under request types, i have changed the "Workflow Statuses" to either On going support or Resolved. but in the portal i see more things but i dont know to which workflow this belongs.

1. Service Requests.jpg2.  Other Questions.jpg3. Bug.jpg4- New FEature.jpg5. Technical support.jpg6. email request.jpg0. portal view.jpg

Can someone guide me in a good direction?



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Jack Brickey
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January 10, 2023

Hi @Tiago Dias ,

From the screenshots that you have shared along with your post what I gather is that you have edited each of the request types to change the statuses the customer seas as one of to statuses: "On Going Support" or "Resolved". Is this correct? You go onto indicate that the customer actually see statuses other than the two. Is this correct? I don't see any screenshots from the portal that illustrates other statuses. 

A couple of editorial comments if I may. First having numbers in the status names seems flawed unless the workflow is very restrictive and only allows things to progress in a chronological manner. Second, it seems that you are not exposing the "waiting for customer" status on the portal electing for using "on going support". It would seem to me that you would want the customer to know if you are waiting on them for something and this is why the "waiting for customer" is typically used. Just my $0.02 here.

Tiago Dias January 10, 2023

Hi Jack, Thanks for your comments.

In the last picture the customer is seeing "6-TO Test" and "4-Waiting", but I would like for them to see "On Going Support", but I don't know where to change this information.

As i understand (which is not much), what the customer sees as status should be defined in the "Request Type" under "workflow statuses".

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