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Automation: Copy field from old issue type to new issue type

Bogdan Hurtupan
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December 19, 2022

Hi everyone,

I'm currently struggling with an automated rule, which I'm not 100% sure can be achieved, but here's my case:

1. for Bug issue type, I use a custom field called "Bug Description" 

2. for Story issue type, I use a different custom field called "Story Description"

Now when I change a Bug to a Story and viceversa, I would like to automatically copy the description from "Bug Description" to "Story Description" and the other way around.

The reason we use separate custom fields is because we want to have different templates for each issue type.

I haven't been able to succed in my task at all :( - do you have any recommendations? 

I attached below one of the rules I'm trying to figure out (I only use logging for "debugging" purposes)

Thank you!

Screenshot 2022-12-19 at 14.03.40.png

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Charlie Misonne
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December 19, 2022

Hi Bogdan,

A couple of questions:

  1. How do you change the issue type? Via an edit of the issue type field or do you use the "move" functionality?
  2. Is the rule being triggered when you expect it to?
  3. If it does: where does it go wrong (one of the conditions or does it get to the actual edit)
Bogdan Hurtupan
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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December 23, 2022

Hi Charlie,

Thanks a lot for getting back to me :D 

1. via edit, it's easier than using the "move" functionality

2. yes, the rule gets triggered on every issue type change

3. this is where I'm stuck. all conditions seem to successfully pass and when I look in the Audit log section, it says "Issues edited successfully". However, the copy action from one field to another does not perform, so I can only assume my problem is on the last step where I want to copy from "Bug Description" to "User Story/Task Description"

It's a bit strange, since I don't get to see any errors

Charlie Misonne
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December 23, 2022

Thanks for clarifying.

The only thing I can think about right now is whether the fields are on the view screen of both issue types.

I assume Bug Description is not on the view screen of Stories? That can be the reason why it can not access that field once it has already been changed.

To be sure: try adding an audit log task that logs the value of Bug Description. That way you will see if it can access the value of the field.

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