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Is there a way to use automation to close an issue when in a status for a certain amount of time

Phill Jones July 12, 2022


Kind of a basic question here I think. We have a larger project that we want to be able to accurately track our closure time and get proper reporting etc.

Anyway the idea is that I would like to have automation close tickets that are in a "waiting for customer" status that have no change to them in 10 days.

I already have an automation setup to change the status when a comment is added so that when the customer responds it will not stay in the countdown status.

Does anyone know if this is possible? I'm not seeing an easy trigger for this as I tried using the "days in status" field but it doesn't seem to be counting properly?

Any tips or information would be awesome!

Thanks so much!

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Mikael Sandberg
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July 12, 2022

Yes this is possible. If you look in the library there is an automation for this called Resolve issues due to inactivity that you can use

Screen Shot 2022-07-12 at 1.35.53 PM.png

Phill Jones July 22, 2022

Thanks so much, I didn't even think to look there.

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