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Can tickets be created in multiple JSD projects from 1 customer email?

vito.iannuzzelli July 12, 2022

The organization has 4 distinct teams that use the same ticketing portal to submit requests. We have 4 Service desk projects created, one for each team, and each with their own email ingestion address assigned. (ie.

Ideally, we would like for 1 email sent by a customer to have all 4 Atlassian emails attached, and for it to create a ticket in each of the 4 projects.

However, when this happens it only processes in 1 project and is seemingly random - i think it may have something to do with JIRA thinking they are bulk emails/spam and stops processing aftee the first project creates a ticket. Is there a way to enable it so that if more than 1 Atlassian email is attached to the initial customer email, it will still generate a ticket in all relevant boards?

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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July 12, 2022

Welcome to the Atlassian Community!

It's going to be a bit random - it depends on which email channel gets to the email first.  You should not be pointing multiple channels at the same incoming email.

I would question the reason for creating duplicates, but that's not going to help you unless you change your process so that you don't need them.

What I think you should do is take it down to one channel taking in the email, and then an automation or script that can create the three duplicates in other projects.

vito.iannuzzelli July 13, 2022

This is helpful advice, thank you!

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