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Assignment on Customer reply but not on internal note

KG June 30, 2022


I was looking through the automation rules, and it made sense to have "unclaimed" (unassigned) tickets be assigned to the Agent or Collaborator who posts a comment.

Triggering on comment and assigning it to the user who triggered the rule, while the assignee field is empty, works great (I know I would probably need some logic to exclude non Agent/Collaborator users). However I wasn't able to find anything that would allow me to differentiate between a "reply to customer" and "internal note" comment. 

I think it makes sense for internal notes to be excluded from the auto assignment rule, but would this be possible? 

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Paul Krueger
Rising Star
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July 1, 2022

See if this works

if {{"sd.public.comment".internal}} equals true...

KG July 7, 2022

Hi Paul, I'm sorry things where a bit crazy last few days and I only now got around to test this. 

The concept seems sound, thank you for pointing it out. TLDR: it doesn't seem to work. 

I took a look at the documentation for the smart values, and sure enough the description for {{"sd.public.comment".internal}} is empty. 

Next I tried this one  if {{comment.internal}} equals false -- that worked like a charm!

Thank you for setting me on the right path :)


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