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How to create report of open tickets by week

WM June 10, 2022

The report wants to show tickets (series = created)

created even though I add the status of open tickets. I just want the total open tickets per week.

I know I'm missing something.  I would assume that I could chose the series as Status but it's not there


3 answers

3 votes
Walter Buggenhout
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June 11, 2022

Hi @WM,

What you are looking for, is unlocking the issue history that Jira has, but not always exposes very well.

A good starting point that is available out of the box, may be the Created vs Resolved chart. It displays the number of issues created, resolved AND the trend of resulting open issues:

Screenshot 2022-06-11 at 11.43.43.png

It can be configured to display the evolution on a weekly basis, to a maximum of 300 days in the past until the current date.

All you need to set it up, is a JQL filter to retrieve the issues you want to report on (could be as simple as: Project = <your JSM project>) and a dashboard to add the gadget to.

If you want to do more advanced reporting and would like to do more advanced reporting, you should revert to a more advanced reporting solution from the marketplace. This is an example built with EazyBI e.g:

Screenshot 2022-06-11 at 11.37.15.pngHope this helps! 

Johnny Jenkins
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January 9, 2024

That graph is what every service desk needs.

1 vote
Jack Brickey June 10, 2022

Try creating a filter like below, save and associate with a Dashboard gadget such as the created vs resolved or Two-dimensional or other. 

project = abc and created < startofweek() and created >= startofweek(-1)

WM June 10, 2022

Thanks, I can do that, but I'd have to run it every week I assume. I wanted a report of previous weeks too. 

Thanks again,


0 votes
Adamantia Leivada December 2, 2022

I use the cumulative flow diagram to display status trends over time and cherry pick only the "open" status, not the "done" status 

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