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New service desk customer not receiving email

Sandeep Banga May 20, 2022

Hello in our Service Desk, I have a customer who did not previously log in and wanted to now. I deleted their account and re-added him, however, he is not receiving an email. we have another customer from the same domain who is able to log in and create cases so the domain should be an issue. 

Can someone help please?

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Dave Mathijs
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May 21, 2022

Hi @Sandeep Banga , is there a specific reason why you deleted the customer account and didn't just re-sent the invite mail?

Does the customer still have the same e-mail address?

Sandeep Banga May 22, 2022

Hello, this happened earlier and our PM found out that the reason person didn’t receive an email was that they had an account in Jira (in addition to service desk). So she deleted their account and added back and it worked. I was able to find the account and I reset their password but they don’t get an email. I’ve shared the service desk URL with the customer along with the new password let’s see if that helps.

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