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Reporting in Jira Service Mangement

Banajyotsna palbabu April 4, 2022

Hi Experts,

We have developed a custom Request form for the customers to collect information like their departments, user IDs , Location Address etc. I would like to know how can I build a report or if there is a standard report available where I pull the information an user fills out while creating the tickets? For example in our case I would like to pull a summery report that will provide the users and their departments submitting the requests. Please let me know if you know more details. 

Thanks for your help.


2 answers

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Banajyotsna palbabu April 11, 2022

Thank you @Ravi Sagar _Sparxsys_ Ravi. One of our issue type has two request forms associated to it. One of the form tracks the Dept of the user who created the issue. I would like to create a report to see which Dept created the maximum number of tickets. I could not achieve it through Queues or the standard reports available. Can you please elaborate a bit ?


Thank you in advance.


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Ravi Sagar _Sparxsys_
Rising Star
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April 4, 2022

Hi @Banajyotsna palbabu 

There are various places in Jira where you can go to create reports or view list of tickets raised.

- In built project reports in JSM projects

- Queues

- Issue Navigators: use JQL and saved your searches

- Jira Dashboards

- Embed Jira reports in Confluence (if you are using it)

- Dump in CSV/Excel to report outside Jira

For instance you can create a simple pie chart showing the number of tickets by departments (if that is a field in your request form).

Is there any specific report you are looking for? Try explore the native dashboards and gadgets.


Banajyotsna palbabu April 12, 2022

Thank you @Ravi Sagar _Sparxsys_ Ravi. One of our issue type has two request forms associated to it. One of the form tracks the Dept of the user who created the issue. I would like to create a report to see which Dept created the maximum number of tickets. I could not achieve it through Queues or the standard reports available. Can you please elaborate a bit ?


Thank you in advance.


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