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How to enable approver to contribute information to a ticket in Jira Service Management

Mark Francis Parallag April 4, 2022

I am creating an new employee onboarding process using Jira as a tool. What I intend to do is:


1. HR raise a ticket using a pre defined form.

2. Ticket goes to the Line manager for approval

3. Line manager checks the ticket, add more information using customized fields and approve the ticket

4. Ticket is received by IT support for request fulfillment.


Question:  How can I enable item 3, the line manager who is also the approver to contribute more information to the ticket, before approving it?

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Dirk Ronsmans
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April 4, 2022

@Mark Francis Parallag ,

Doing such a thing using additional custom fields won't be possible. From the customer portal a user/customer/approver can only add comments and do transitions.

Mark Francis Parallag April 4, 2022

I tried a workaround using forms, but it's an additional step and will be done after the ticket is submitted.

1. Ticket is raised

2. Manager approves

3. Agent adds a custom from to the ticket and share it to the Manager

4. Manager fills the form and submit


Still hoping that Manager can contribute before approving the ticket... 

Thanks for your input Dirk!

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