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Ok button not working

Afonso Henrique Rodrigues Alves March 22, 2022

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Stephen Wright _Elabor8_
Community Leader
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March 27, 2022

Hi @Afonso Henrique Rodrigues Alves 

It looks like you're requesting access to an instance you currently don't have access to, is that correct?

If the request button is not functioning, could you just contact the Jira Admin directly?

I would try the form on a different browser also, as a first step there!


Afonso Henrique Rodrigues Alves March 30, 2022

@Stephen Wright _Elabor8_ Yes sir. 

I tried on a different browser and computer as well. No luck.

The weird thing is  - there is no message, the button doesn't trigger any response.

How do I contact the Jira Admin?

Stephen Wright _Elabor8_
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
April 1, 2022

Hi @Afonso Henrique Rodrigues Alves 

I'd contact the Jira Admin for both issues - they could also check if there's a reason the button isn't working, and contact Atlassian if there's an issue with this instance specifically.

To locate a Jira Admin for this specific site, it depends what type of instance this is - for example...

  • If it's your own company, I'd contact the team who manages Jira - for example, an IT Team, DevOps Team, etc
  • If it's a client - perhaps contact your key stakeholder, ask if they're aware?


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