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How does JSM pick up all users in the LDAP and display them under the projects Customers section?

Tim Hailey March 17, 2022

My Jira Service Management 'Customer' section lists all users that are being synced from the LDAP to Jira. My question is how is the Customer list pulling all users from the LDAP and populating them to the Customer list? I don't see any setting or configuration for this.

I have tried setting the Customer permissions to all options for 'Who can raise requests?' However, no mater which option I select, I get all users in the AD that has synced to Jira in the Customer list.

All users are showing up whether they have a Jira application license or not in the Customer list which is fine, I think. However, I want to limit user access for those who don't have a Jira application license to only one Service Management portal and currently they can see all portals available. How could I configure the JSM project for this isolated portal so that these users would only see the one portal and not the others? I don't want to manually add users to the Customer list because we have 750+ users and that would require a lot of overhead for users coming and going all the time.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

Tim Hailey
Atlassian Systems Administrator

1 answer

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Mikael Sandberg
Community Leader
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March 17, 2022

Go and check under Project settings > People and see if any of your groups have been set to the role Service Desk Customer.

Tim Hailey March 17, 2022

@Mikael Sandberg Hi Mikael,

I don't see any option for 'People' under the Project Settings. Where exactly can I find that? I am on Jira Service Management 4.20.6.

If you are referring to Users and Roles? I am not using the Role of Service Desk Customer for any user or group.

Also, that doesn't answer my other question?
I want to limit user access for those who don't have a Jira application license to only one Service Management portal and currently they can see all portals available. How could I configure the JSM project for this isolated portal so that these users would only see the one portal and not the others? I don't want to manually add users to the Customer list because we have 750+ users and that would require a lot of overhead for users coming and going all the time.

Please see attached.

No People option1.jpgNo People option2.jpg

Tim Hailey March 17, 2022

If you are referring to Users and Roles? I am not using the Role of Service Desk Customer for any user or group.

Mikael Sandberg
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
March 18, 2022

Check under Users and roles. Any customer that is added to the project is also added under Users and roles and get the role Service Desk Customer. See Setting up service project users for more information.

Tim Hailey March 21, 2022

@Mikael Sandberg I don't see the users in the Customer list in the Users and Role section and we are not using the role of Service Desk Customer. What else can I check?

Mikael Sandberg
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
March 21, 2022

It could be because of your Customer settings as well, if you are allowing anyone to email the project or raise a request via the portal. Have a look at this KB for more information.

Tim Hailey March 21, 2022

@Mikael Sandberg 
We are using LDAP to get our users, not Crowd. The document posted is only for Crowd.

The Custom Permissions are set to:  Customers who have an account on this Jira site

What else can I check?

Customer Permissions.jpgLDAP Permissions.jpg

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