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The status of the issue doesn't change after a request patricipant leaves a comment.

praktikant3 September 28, 2021

A person whose only role in an issue is "request participant" left a comment, but the status of the issue didn't change. 

This request participant could also edit the details of the issue (delete the organisation). Can they do that?

The issue itself is quite old, but it happened recently.
Thank you very much!

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Jimmy Seddon
Community Leader
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September 28, 2021

Hi @praktikant3,

Welcome to the Community.

First, transitions don't happen automatically without an automation rule being defined in the project configuration.  If you are expecting the issue to transition when a comment is left, I would take a look at the automation rules and see if there were any failures.

You can get to them by clicking on the "Project Settings" cog and then clicking on "Automation".

As for your second question, while the user may have been a request participant on the issue, they must have also been a Jira Administrator.  Only Admins can delete organizations.

I know from my own experience that even though I'm an admin I do not have any access other than customer/participant access in our IT service desk, yet I have the ability to affect the organizations from their project (I just don't because that would be bad).

I hope that helps get you on the right track!


praktikant3 September 30, 2021

Hi Jimmy,

Thank you very much for a quick reply! I tested the automation and it works normally, so I guess it was a one time thing.

Thanks a lot again.

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