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One email thread per JSD ticket

Heather Rimmey June 21, 2019

We're creating JSD tickets via email requests and have confirmed that responses to the original email thread are added as comments to the ticket. The behavior we're seeing is that if an agent comments on the ticket itself, a new comment notification is sent rather than sending a response within the original email thread.

Does anyone know if it's possible to configure the comments to be added to the ongoing thread?  We have confirmed that Zendesk is able to do this so we know its possible, we just haven't found a way to configure it in JSD yet.

3 answers

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Iasmini Gomes
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July 15, 2021

There is an open ticket for that: 

Relates to: 

It's on status GATHERING INTEREST: This suggestion needs more unique domain votes and comments before being reviewed by our team.

Vote for this issue too.

Sanjeev Nischal
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April 25, 2022

Hi Iasmini,

We are also having a similar problem which is creating a problem for support and also for clients they keep getting emails for each activity which is not the right thing and the chances of emails are getting missed.

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Anuj Goyal
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March 31, 2020

I am running into a similar problem. Is there any solution to this yet?

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Boris Berenberg - Atlas Authority
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June 21, 2019

As far as I know this is not possible.

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