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Notification - Internal Request Participants

Martina Schusterová June 22, 2021


I am a Requested participant in an issue of another agent. They added an internal comment to the issue and I didn't get a notification. 

I would like one :), but I don't know how to make it happen, there's no Requested participants option in internal notification settings and the client notifications are probably irrelevant as it was an internal comment. 

I tried to at least add Project Lead (me) to the issue commented notification recipients, even though it's not ideal as I don't need notification about all comment in all of the issues, but it didn't help much anyway, again, no e-mail. (After this it was at least under notification bell under Watching, but that doesn't help me much.)

I am aware I can work around it by making myself a watcher of the issues or using user mentions etc., but I'm hoping there's a RequestedParticipant-only solution too.


Please advise

2 answers

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Dirk Ronsmans
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June 22, 2021

Hi @Martina Schusterová ,

You'll have to distinguish between what role you have on the issue.

  • Request Participant: that's a customer who the issue is shared with and they get notified alongside the customer
  • Watcher: that's an internal user/agent who wants to be notified on the issues too. (keep me in the loop)

So if you wish to be kept in the loop as an internal user (with internal comments too) then you should add yourself as a Watcher on the issue.

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Ajay _view26_
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June 22, 2021

Hi @Martina Schusterová 

Yes.. I think its not supported 


Martina Schusterová June 22, 2021

Not in the customer notifications, that makes sense to me. But that not in the internal ones, that I don't believe yet.

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