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Identifying clients within a single service desk project

Deleted user June 21, 2021

If our managed services portal delivers requests (incidents) into one service desk project, how do we distinguish one client from another?  Is there a way to set up multiple clients within one project or will we have to create individual projects for each client?

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Dirk Ronsmans
Community Leader
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June 21, 2021

Hi @[deleted] ,

if by clients you mean different "companies" that you service, those can be arranged by organisations.

You'll basically have a single JSM project and add customers in to organisations. These can then be used to limit visibility on the created requests and the organisations field can be used by your agents to identify them.

i hope that answers your question!

Deleted user June 21, 2021

This sounds like the solution I'm looking for.  I'll look into it right away.  Thanks for your help!

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