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report on label count for service tickets

Michael Schroff May 20, 2021

I would like to generate a report of the "count" and "type" of particular label(s), for submitted SRs. 

For instance, I would like to report how many SRs came in, that were related to "Training" issues (as opposed to bugs, network communication, etc.)

Is there a way to create a report using JIRA, so that I don't have to do it in Excel?


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Walter Buggenhout
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May 20, 2021

Hi @Michael Schroff,

You can definitely come a long way with the two dimensional issue statistics gadget on a Jira dashboard (the article I linked is from Data Center, but the gadget is available on cloud as well).

How you drill into your data obviously relates to how you categorise / organise your issues.

Let's just assume your SR is the issue type you want to report on. If the topic those SR's are about is e.g your component or a label, then you can just use issue type as one dimension of the gadget and component or label as the other dimension. That would result in a pivot table like report with a count of issues as a metric.

Hope this helps!

Michael Schroff May 20, 2021

Hi. I'll give it a try. Thanks for the suggestion. 

Michael Schroff May 21, 2021

Hi. I found the Two Dimensional Filter Statistics gadget, but it insists on using a "Filter for FIN board", which I don't know anything about, and consequently produces zero results. So, I never get to see anything displayed in the gadget for SR Type by Label. 

Your thoughts?

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