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mass move tasks to epics and their subtasks to stories

Domas Šlepetys May 18, 2021


We have ~300 backlog items with hierarchy task->subtask. Subtask is used to breakdown the work per multiple teams/products.

To start using scrum we need to move subtasks to story level. 

Is there any way how to mass move task to epic and subtask to story at once? 

I have tried the following article : 

It provides guideline for manual one-by-one task move. This might not work on 300 items.

Please share your thoughts 





2 answers

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Domas Šlepetys May 19, 2021

hi @Joseph Chung Yin , 


Thanks. I think your proposed method is similar to one that I described in the current  issue initially 


The question is still outstanding as there no way to mass move subtask->story and task->epic without processing manually one-by-one 

Joseph Chung Yin
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May 19, 2021

@Domas Šlepetys -

My recommendation is only an option - You can do the bulk (mass) conversion for your sub-tasks to Stories.  However tasks to Epics are a different story.

There maybe custom add-ons from Marketplace that give you what you needed.

Best, Joseph

Domas Šlepetys May 19, 2021

Thank you Joseph for insights. If you convert sub-tasks to stories, subtasks loose any connection to epic (parent epic link). Then you must put epic link manually again to stories.

Joseph Chung Yin
Community Leader
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May 20, 2021

That is correct, you will have to roll-up those stories to your new EPICs (i.e. easily by using Scrum board by drag and drop in a batch mode).  It will take proper planning.

Best, Joseph

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Joseph Chung Yin
Community Leader
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May 18, 2021

@Domas Šlepetys -

Hi Domas:

Welcome to the Community.  You can use the Bulk Change to move your issues from Subtask to Story via issue search UI


In the BULK Operation UI, you will then select "Move Issues" option for your selected issues.  It is highly recommended that you convert all of your sub-task issues to Story issue first.

However moving Task to EPIC is a bit more involved, where you will be required to specify EPIC Name for each Task.  Thus if it is possible do them one Task move to EPIC manually at a time.  At this point (converting Task to EPIC), you also need to ensure the TASK has no EPIC link to any existing EPIC (removing the existing EPIC links first prior to the conversion "manual move operation" process) since you will be converting the TASK into an EPIC.

Afterward, your can associated the new Story issues to your new EPIC issues.  NOTE - After you converted your sub-tasks into story issue type, make sure you update the EPIC link as needed since subtask automatically inherits parent Task's EPIC link, thus when subtasks converted to stories (if the original parent Task was already linked to an EPIC), then the new stories' EPIC link field is automatically populated with the original parent Task's EPIC link value.

Hope this helps.

Best, Joseph Chung Yin

Jira/JSM Functional Lead, Global Infrastructure Applications Team

Viasat Inc.

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