Export Jira User List

Saadiq Patel July 11, 2013

What is the best method to export all JIRA users in the system? I want to produce a CSV (or similar).

Note this is the on demand version

9 answers

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4 votes
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Bob Swift (personal)
Rising Star
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July 11, 2013

JIRA Command Line Interface getUserList will produced a csv file. For JIRA (as opposed to Confluence), it requires a group. You can usually use users for OnDemand unless you have made changes from the default behaviour.

Saadiq Patel July 14, 2013

Thanks Bob, i was hoping to be able to export from within the system as we have couple of Administrators that time to time would like to audit logins and make inactive users that have left.

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Jutamat _Kate_ Phothisitthisak June 26, 2021

we use JIRA CLI as well to getUserlist, AddUserlist also DeactivateUserList, Nice Tool

3 votes
Rising Star
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June 14, 2016

With the Better Excel Plugin you can export all user information to a customizable Excel spreadsheet, post-process in Excel (if necessary) and then convert to CSV if that fits your use case better than an XLSX file.

The default Excel file will contain the following data for each user account:

  • User name (login name)
  • Full name (display name)
  • Email address
  • Status (Active / Inactive)
  • Directory in which the user account is managed
  • Groups in which the user is a member
  • Login count
  • Last login time and the number of days since then
  • Last failed login time
  • Current and total failed login count
  • Project roles: the list of project keys plus the user's roles in those, in a single searcheable, filterable cell. Ex: DROIDAPP: Developers, Users; IOSAPP: Developers, Users; WEB: Users;

See: http://www.midori-global.com/products/jira-better-excel-plugin/documentation/user-export




3 votes
Boris Berenberg - Atlas Authority
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April 23, 2016

The Active User Filter add-on (https://marketplace.atlassian.com/plugins/cr.tin.ActiveUserFilter.active-user-filter/server/overview) allows you to export users to CSV.

3 votes
ITSupport June 4, 2014

There is always Jira REST API (https://docs.atlassian.com/jira/REST/latest/) and export data in a manner that fits you best.

Lars Mählmann
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October 13, 2017

here is an example how I did it:


http --auth username https://jira.url.org/rest/api/2/group/member\?groupname\=jira-users\&maxResults\=140 | jq '.values | .[]| .key' | tr -d '"' >> active_jira_user.txt


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Rodolfo So September 23, 2018


I would like to ask how you run this command? Thanks

Lars Mählmann
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September 27, 2018

@Rodolfo - I do it on the terminal (bash/zsh on Linux or Unix(MacOS)) but I guess it runs on Windows CMD as well.


* Jira Rest API

* httpie - a human curl

* jq - a parser for json on commandline

* tr - a bash command to remove '"'

I believe it works with postman as well.

I hope it helps

Cheers Lars

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2 votes
Nar Kumar C_ - Narva Software
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February 22, 2020

I am not sure about Jira Server but if you are using Jira Cloud (on-demand), then this feature is already implemented (no need to install third party add-on).

Admin users can export all Jira users to CSV file.

Here is how I use it:

  1. Go to https://admin.atlassian.com
  2. Click on manage users button which will take you to user management page
  3. There is export feature with button Export users

See the screenshot I took from our Jira Cloud instance below.


Shwetha_Peruri March 11, 2020

Hi is there any way to do this if you are not an admin?

Nar Kumar C_ - Narva Software
Marketplace Partner
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March 11, 2020

Unfortunately you need to be admin to export users.

Suresh Srini May 5, 2020

How do I use this for my company?


2 votes
Atlassian Team
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July 11, 2013

You can not create user backups on the OnDemand platform yourself. Depending on your needs, this might be something we can assist you with if you create a support case at support.atlassian.com

1 vote
Manohar Venkataraman December 16, 2013

It's bizarre that you can't do a simple export from Administration for the User List displayed. I have added a request for this, please vote for it: https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/JRA-23783

Kevin Mahoney
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January 16, 2019

I would have to agree.

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Jay Kantaria February 10, 2020

It is 2020 and we still can't do simple export of users like we can export the issues :)

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Christian Dang
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April 9, 2021

Still can't :(

0 votes
Suresh Srini April 9, 2021

I used SQL Query if you have database access. YOu need only read access.

Select Jira.dbo.cwd_membership.parent_name, Jira.dbo.cwd_membership.parent_name, cwd_membership.lower_child_name, Jira.dbo.cwd_user.display_name, Jira.dbo.cwd_user.email_address

from Jira.dbo.cwd_membership

INNER JOIN Jira.dbo.cwd_user ON Jira.dbo.cwd_membership.lower_child_name = Jira.dbo.cwd_user.lower_user_name



Select Jira.dbo.cwd_membership.parent_name, Jira.dbo.cwd_membership.parent_name, cwd_membership.lower_child_name, Jira.dbo.cwd_user.display_name, Jira.dbo.cwd_user.email_address

from Jira.dbo.cwd_membership

INNER JOIN Jira.dbo.cwd_user ON Jira.dbo.cwd_membership.lower_child_name = Jira.dbo.cwd_user.lower_user_name


you can try one of them. I was able to get group name and its members as well.

0 votes
Kevin Mahoney February 10, 2020

If you have access to your DB tool, ours in Sequel, you can query the table that the users are stored on and export that. Not the most user friendly, but that's the only way I know of at the moment.

For example, our JIRA db instance is named 'jiradb2' and the full table name in this environment is 'jiraschema.cwd_user'.

SQL would be:

use jiradb2;

select * from jiraschema.cwd_user;

You can narrow you results by specifying the column(s) instead of getting them all.

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