JQL JIRA Filter on Worklog

Vlad Kaminsky April 12, 2012


I'm using JIRA OnDemand, and I need to report on worklogs. I think I found something that might work, JQL Tricks Plugin, but it's a plugin that is not available in OnDemand JIRA.

Essentially, I need to create an issue filter using JQL that will pull issues and their worklogs (hours) for worklogs entered on specified dates.

These are some JQL Tricks Plugin function that seem to accomplish what I need:

workStartedOn() - Find out issues for which work was started on the specified date and optionally by a specific user. workLoggedOn() - Find out issues for which work was logged on the specified date and optionally by a specific user. workUpdatedOn() - Find out issues for which work was updated on the specified date and optionally by a specific user.
workLoggedBetween() - Find out issues for which work was logged between the specified dates and optionally by a specific user.

Was anyone able to create a JQL filter on worklogs wihtout JQL Tricks Plugin?

There is a ticket open to add JQL Tricks to the OnDemand hosted environment, please vote on it: https://studio.atlassian.com/browse/JST-4710

Also, I found this request to use JIRA JQL to pull WorkLogs and for worklog report



10 answers

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Andriy Zhdanov
Rising Star
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December 1, 2012

Yes, and for free, see OnDemand Add-Ons for 'JIRA Timesheet Plugin'

Thank you.

kmkmkmkmkmkm May 8, 2014

I'm afraid the link is broken.

I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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August 22, 2016

Is not free sad

Andriy Zhdanov
Rising Star
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August 22, 2016

Hi David,

It used to be free, now it's replaced by paid Time Reports add-on, however what is related to the question is still available for free by native JQL clauses worklogDate and worklogAuthor, please see http://www.jiratimesheet.com/wiki/RESTful_endpoint.html for more information.

Thank you.

5 votes
DERS October 1, 2013

Hi Vlad,

I've had similar need and found some solution with free Script Runner plugin, however I don't know the On Demand policy in relation to free plugins.

The JQL (extended due to Script Runner) I'm using now is:

issueFunction in workLogged("after 2013/09/01 before 2013/09/30")


1 vote
Catherine Chang
Atlassian Team
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February 11, 2020

Hi there! I'm the PM on Jira Cloud for Google Sheets, and we're working to make this easy. Check out this post to see how you can import all of your worklog data with just a few clicks!

Oh wow thanks. Love this add-on, life changing.

1 vote
Andriy Zhdanov
Rising Star
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December 1, 2012

Hi Vlad,

I just have come across this quesiton, and would like to let you know that JIRA Timesheet Plugin provides worklog report based on custom fields also, and is less expensive than Tempo.

Thank you.

0 votes
Volodymyr Krupach
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April 14, 2015

Not JQL but does what yo need and is free: https://marketplace.atlassian.com/plugins/my_work_calendar

0 votes
Deleted user September 10, 2014

Hi, Vlad!

Here is the JIRA Cloud Add-On that makes it possible to search by the worklog items (created|updated|logged so far)


Andriy Zhdanov
Rising Star
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September 10, 2014

Note, there is native support being added to JIRA: https://ecosystem.atlassian.net/browse/ACJIRA-39

Deleted user September 10, 2014

Wow, that's nice! However, I don't have that in my On-Demand instance yet :(

0 votes
Deleted user September 10, 2014

This Jira Cloud Add-On allows to search by worklog - https://marketplace.atlassian.com/plugins/jql-pro

0 votes
Andriy Zhdanov
Rising Star
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October 9, 2013

Since version 2.6, in Timesheet Reports and Gadgets Add-On there is workedIssues(fromDate, toDate, userOrGroup) JQL function. It returns issues that have a worklog with startDate between specified fromDate and toDate, including.

E.g. JQL query: key in workedIssues("2013/09/23", "2013/09/29", "jira-developers").

Hope you'll find it useful.

David Gruber March 9, 2014

I'm using the Timesheet add-on in JIRA OnDemand and finding that queries with this workedIssues function return as expected in the issue navigator but always return 0 issues via the getIssueList action of the CLI (in eirther the filter or search parameter) while queries with other built-in JQL functions return the same in both cases, any idea what's going on?

Andriy Zhdanov
Rising Star
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March 9, 2014

Hi David,

Sorry, I have no idea, you should probably ask Bob Swift/Appfire. I think rising separate question tagging both plugins could work.

For information, I have just tried CLI plugin, but can't make it work. I use the following command but it is not able to login to server:

$ ./jira.sh -a getIssueList -s http://localhost:2990/jira -u admin -p admin --search "project in TIME"
Unable to log in to server: http://localhost:2990/jira/rpc/soap/jirasoapservice-v2 with user: admin.
 Cause: (503)Service Unavailable

Thank you.

0 votes
Vlad Kaminsky December 1, 2012
Is Jira Timesheet plugin available with OnDemand version if JIRA? Thanks
0 votes
Ramiro Pointis
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April 12, 2012

Sadly, the Jira doesn't have this function yet but I would recommend you the Tempo Plugin. It's a little expensive but it is one of the greatest plugins for me and has a lot of reports.

Vlad Kaminsky April 12, 2012

Ramiro - Thanks for the quick response. We did purchase the Tempo Plugin. Can Tempo reports pull in custom fields? We have defined a custom field, Category (Development, Support, Vacation, Administration).I'm looking to do a roll-up report based on this category field, how many hours were logged against each category weekly.


Ramiro Pointis
Rising Star
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April 12, 2012

I'm not completely sure but I think that it is possible. You can go here for asking for support, Sverrir is the support manager and has helped me more than once.

I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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February 13, 2017

No Tempo does not support custom fields .This is a major lowlight of tempo .This was confirmed by support team 

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