Tempo: Logged time against issue not visible

Omkar Ghate November 23, 2018

Our JIRA instance had a lot of logged hours, before we started installation of Tempo timesheets, and as soon as the installation finished, tried to take a look at old reports using tempo reports, but was surprised to see no logged hours being shown.

Also, when looked at the issue detail view, the "Work log" tab showed no logged hours, however the "history" tab of the issue had a trace of old hours logged into it. Thinking the tempo wiped old time log out, we uninstalled Tempo, and the past logged hours immediately re-appeared.

Not sure if this is an issue with permissions I missed, or a default behaviour of Tempo. Please help!

4 answers

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Brian Reid January 8, 2021

Hello Folks:  
  I had similar issues with a secured project and members.   The permission troubleshooter will say they have the permission even though Tempo doesn't appear in the header or in the menus.  What I found was there is also a Global Tempo Timesheet Permission that has to given in order for the users to get Tempo access.  Check in Admin -> System -> Security -> Global Permissions and make sure the user(s) belong to a group that is listed in Tempo Timesheets Access.  If they don't either add them to one or add a group they do belong to the permissions.



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Pablo San Pietro
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December 2, 2019

Hi, same issue here... I cannot see logged hours before tempo installation.

Any help?

Susanne Götz _Tempo_
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December 3, 2019

Hi @Pablo San Pietro ,

On Cloud, Tempo data is stored in a separate database. 

When installing Tempo, all existing worklogs need to be synced from the JIRA database to the Tempo database. Depending on the number of worklogs and issues, this can take some time.

Additionally, you need to have the "view all worklogs" permission (https://tempo-io.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/THC/pages/173899777/View+All+Worklogs+Permissions+for+a+Project) or the "view team worklogs" permission (https://tempo-io.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/THC/pages/178388993/View+Team+Worklogs+Permissions) to view the worklogs of other users in Tempo, else you will only be able to view your own worklogs.

Susanne Götz
Tempo team 

Pablo San Pietro
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December 3, 2019

Hi @Susanne Götz _Tempo_ , thank you for answering.

Regarding to Permissions, we're currently working with next-gen projects under Jira, so  Project > Project Settings > Permissions is not available. "View team worklogs" is also enabled.

Anyway with Admin permission for the project, I can only see logged work for issues created after Tempo installation.

How much time can syncing take? Is there any place to see syncing progress?


Susanne Götz _Tempo_
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December 3, 2019

Hi @Pablo San Pietro ,

we have seen cases where the sync of worklogs took about 24h, dependent on the number of worklogs.

Can you please check if the worklogs for the team where you have the "view team worklogs" permission are starting to show ( f.x when viewing the Tempo Reports and filtering by the Next Gen project).

In case you the installation is more than 24h back and no worklogs have been synced, can you please create a ticket in our Tempo support system (https://tempo-io.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/6) so we can better investigate this.


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Элла Бордюг
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February 7, 2019

Hi @Omkar Ghate, have you succeed to solve this issue? We have the same problem and desperate to find an answer.

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Deleted user November 23, 2018

Hi @Omkar Ghate,

This sounds like a project permissions issue, please check the person wanting to view the worklogs on a particular project have the following permissions;

  • Work on Issues
  • View all Worklogs
  • View Issue Hours 

Tempo adds a number of custom permissions that enhance the granularity of what users can interact with regard to worklogs.


Let me know if I have misunderstood your requirements

Omkar Ghate November 23, 2018

@[deleted] so, I was able to see the logged hours which I logged AFTER installing tempo, but the hours logged before tempo were not appearing at all. So, my assumption was that tempo wasn't fetching those log hours from past and is just considering hours that are logged in tempo database.

While checking the report, I did have a permission for "View all worklogs" and Work on issues and view issue hours. Not sure why the tempo time log and non-tempo time log aren't consolidated.

Omkar Ghate December 28, 2018

@[deleted], tried applying permissions, no luck. Not able to see time logged prior to enabling tempo in tempo reports. Neither am I able to see the time logged using tempo in the report obtained using "time reports" plugin.

Looks like tempo has a different database for time logs than the one one used by JIRA.



Deleted user December 28, 2018

Hi @Omkar Ghate,

Unfortunately, my only suggestion failing the previous steps would be to contact Tempo Support through their Service Desk


Apologies I could not be any further assistance 

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