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Should I create a team or a group?

Fahad Akhtar November 6, 2019

I have IT staff. I would like this IT staff to log trouble tickets, see all the projects that my company has on JIRA, be able to look at the different queues, add customers, etc. Should I put this group of IT staff in a team or group within JIRA? And are organizations only for customers? Thanks. 

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Gezim Shehu [Communardo]
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November 6, 2019



 I would suggest a group, if it's the same repeated set of people. If different people, but with the same function, then put them in project roles.


What do you mean by adding customers?

Organizations are mainly intended for portal use, so yes customers only.



Fahad Akhtar November 6, 2019

The IT Staff I am referring to is different people but with the same function. Would I put them in the service desk team project role? And if so, will they have access to JIRA service desk or the customer portal. I would like them to have access to the customer portal. And is the jira-servicedesk-users group a group that comes with JIRA automatically when we first get JIRA? Thank you. 

Gezim Shehu [Communardo]
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November 6, 2019

I'm assuming the IT staff, each of them has a JSD license?

Or do you use JSD in conjuction with Jira Core or Software?


If they need to interact with the tickets, portal would not be a good idea. That's mainly for the customer to get updates, comment and occasionally trigger a transition.


Yes, ira-servicedesk-users is a default JSD licensed group.

Fahad Akhtar November 6, 2019

Yes the members of the IT Staff use up a JSD license. My company only have service desk, not core nor software. So I would put these members within the jira service desk users group? 

Gezim Shehu [Communardo]
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November 6, 2019

That group in theory only gives them the JSD license.

How is your project(s) configured. Could you share how many projects you plan to involve, permission scheme and project roles current config.

So I could provide a proper suggestions.

Fahad Akhtar November 6, 2019

I have 50 or so projects and a staff of 7. Project roles are as follows: Administrator, atlassian-add-on-project access, Developers, an external role, service desk customers, service desk team, and project managers. We have permission schemes for each of the 50 projects, they are pretty much the same because we copy projects to make a new one and name the permission scheme after that project. Although the permissions for all projects should be the same. May I use only one permission scheme for all 50 projects by listing them in the projects column for permission schemes? Thank you for your quick responses. 

Fahad Akhtar November 6, 2019

I also created a group called IT Staff but anyone in it only has access to the customer portal, and do not use up a license, unless I make the IT staff group a default access group. 

Gezim Shehu [Communardo]
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November 6, 2019

I would surely suggest to use 1 shared permission scheme. It would make your life easier.

And configure the permission scheme based on Project Roles.

If needed, in the future, you could swap out membership of those roles for further customization.


Then for now you could simply add a group with the users you like "My Team" and add that team to Project Role "Service Desk Team".

Gezim Shehu [Communardo]
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November 6, 2019

Yes, no one will be able to see if they are not licensed. Only portal access.

Fahad Akhtar November 6, 2019

What do you mean by swipe out membership of those roles for further customization? 

And you are saying to create a group and put that group within the service desk team project role?



Gezim Shehu [Communardo]
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November 6, 2019

Swap out - I mean change. So if it happens that your requirements for one of the 50 projects change and you need different permissions, you could easily just change the project role membership.


And you are saying to create a group and put that group within the service desk team project role?

Yes, that's what I suggest. It would be a lit of work, but future proof.

Also bare in mind that those users, would need to have a license.

Fahad Akhtar November 6, 2019

And you are saying to create a group and put that group within the service desk team project role?

Yes, that's what I suggest. It would be a lit of work, but future proof.


How do I create a group and put that group within the service desk team project role?


The users of the group within the service desk team project role would use up a license? 

Gezim Shehu [Communardo]
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
November 6, 2019

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