How do you clone multiple stories?

Jason McCue May 21, 2013

We want to clone a series of stories all at the same time. Is there a way to do this through JIRA?

Example is:

- We have 20 stories associated with each new project.

- We want to be able to use the old 20 stories (for a previous project) but with the new project name.

- If there are other ways besides cloning - like batch story creation - that would be great as well.



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Bob Swift (personal)
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May 21, 2013

You can't clone to another project without a plugin like Clone Plus Plugin for JIRA (not available with OnDemand). However, you can create issues via JIRA Command Line Interface using createIssue. See also How to create projects or sets of issues based on a template.

dimpy panwar
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February 7, 2018

Can the stories be cloned to next sprint? Instead of moving them to next sprint i want to create a duplicate story , will cloning work for this?

Toby Moore April 11, 2018

hey dimpy, why would you want to do that? there may be another way to get what you're after, sorry this reply is so slow!

4 votes
essam February 21, 2017

Or you can export all the fields to CSV file, and then import them again

Ted H
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April 26, 2018

Can you expand on this? Looking to clone an Epic with multiple stories attached. Could we export an Epics data with attached stories and import to create a new epic with stories attached? 

We are using the cloud based product. 

Toby Moore April 26, 2018

I think what hes saying is, if you use the JQL "Epic Link" = aa-123 to find you epic, click the download button and export the full results to a CSV. you can then go "issues > more > ... > import issues from CSV" and use your downloaded file to create a bunch of new issues matching the originals

Ive never tried this so you may have to play about with the downloaded CSV to get the right setup (removing the issue key column for instance). The link below should help with that.

Max Diener May 8, 2018

Hi Toby,

I tried the download method you suggested, but I am only seeing the option to download as XML (or Word doc, weirdly enough). Any idea of how to download directly as a CSV?


Max Diener May 8, 2018

@Toby Moore, sorry, mentioning you in hopes you may see this!

essam May 9, 2018

hi @Max Diener,

If you are in the Issue Navigator screen, where you filter issues, you should find "Export Excel CSV (all fields)" and "Export Excel CSV (current fields)" options under the Export icon (screen top right).

After you export the list of stories (that you need to clone), you can import them again (which will create new stories) after applying any modifications on the exported file.

Import can be done from the 3 dots menu (screen top right), you will find option "Import issues from CSV"

and if need to clone also the Epics associated to these stories, you need to do the same with the Epics (Export then Import), and then do the Export-Import to the stories (after referencing the new Epics in the exported CSV of stories).

This may not the optimal solution for your problem, but at least it is a workaround, instead of cloning stories one by one.

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Toby Moore May 9, 2018

@Max Diener I have attached two pictures which show where the options are. can you see them on your issue search?

Screen Shot 2018-05-09 at 08.59.01.png

Screen Shot 2018-05-09 at 08.59.45.png

essam May 9, 2018

Yes, these are the options I meant

Max Diener May 9, 2018

Interesting--I do not see those options, I can only see the following:

Example Download Formats.PNG

I tried to export as XML and then convert to CSV using an online tool, but had no luck. I am the admin of our JIRA instance, so I don't think it's a permissions issue. Any other thoughts on what might be causing this?

Max Diener May 9, 2018

I think I have my answer--when I click directly on the hyperlink to the Epic Summary, it presents me a limited view of options. However, when I navigate to the group of issues through the issue navigator's Advanced Search, I see the full menu of export options, as described above.

Thanks to @essam and @Toby Moore for your help!! Very much appreciated

Toby Moore May 9, 2018

yeh that will be your issue! hope it works.

1 vote
Marlene Kegel - codefortynine
Marketplace Partner
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January 18, 2019

For Jira Cloud we released an app that makes that possible.

With Deep Clone for Jira you can Bulk Clone and move hundreds of issues in one action.

You just have to filter for the issues you want to copy and then use the Bulk Clone function.

Kirsten Dalton February 11, 2021

Hi, does this copy across the Xray test steps as well?

Marlene Kegel - codefortynine
Marketplace Partner
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February 12, 2021

Welcome to the community, @Kirsten Dalton.

Unfortunately Xray is currently not supported by Deep Clone. 

Feel free to contact our support and share your use case with us. This helps us to prioritize. 


Update 2022-05-02: Good news! It is now possible to clone Xray tests with manual test steps with Deep Clone for Jira.

Update 2022-05-31: "Generic" and "cucumber" test details can now also be cloned.

Rogério Paiva - Xray Xporter
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March 23, 2021

Hi @Kirsten Dalton 


Xray has a few options to export/import Test Steps, like the ones described in the two documentation articles below:

Test Steps Import Steps

Export and import tests: Cloud-Cloud 


If you need further help, please contact the Xray Support ( so that we can request additional information and investigate further.

Kind regards,
Rogério Paiva [Xray Support Team]

Paul Alexander
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June 23, 2014

Future plans to provide this within the On-Demand framework, Andrej?

Dov Cohn
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August 29, 2016

+1 for Atlassian cloud support


Rudy Holtkamp
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March 2, 2017

That's not free anymore

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David Chan
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May 21, 2013

There's not bulk operation for cloning in JIRA's interface, but you can do a search via the issue navigator and use the gear icon to clone each ticket.

It's not the most ideal, but it's faster than opening each individual ticket.

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Paul Alexander
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May 21, 2013

No default means through the 0n-Demand infrastructure.

But, I bet a simple request through your Atlassian support channel could tackle the work for you at the db level. Don't quote me;).

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