Hello Everyone!
I can’t believe it’s almost April! I have another collection of wonderful articles you need to check out. As always, this is just a sample of all the amazing content that is on the Community. Once you are done with these, be sure to go check out the rest of the great content that is available!
First, a new month means there is a new badge to earn. Have you received your Team Playbook Badge? If not, you should check out the requirements to get yours today!
There is a wonderful team of humans that work tirelessly to make our Community experience as great as is possibly can be. You can read all about the latest features and fixes in the Community release notes for March 17, 2021
I don’t know if I’m the only one who was super excited to see that Forge is now generally available. If you aren’t familiar with Atlassian Forge, you should check it out!
@Kat Warner has done a fantastic job of putting together everything related to training, certifications and what you need to know in Atlassian training sized to fit your needs.
Speaking of which, the Atlassian University Team has a new public classes program (in Beta). You might want to check this out as classes are available in multiple time zones.
Are you looking for new inspiration for your Trello boards? I find the best way is to look at what other people are doing. @Brittany Joiner, Trello Savant, has shared some of her Favorite Trello templates. Maybe this will inspire you in your next board?
Could you use a cheat sheet for Confluence for formatting hotkeys? I know I sure did! @G subramanyam has done a fantastic job of providing you with just that thing. Be sure to bookmark this one for future use!
The Team ‘21 Event is getting closer, have you seen who the Keynote Speakers are yet? If not, check out Meet Atlassian Team 2021 keynote speakers, that @Mirek has put together.
For anyone looking for a little something to get involved in this spring, you might want to Join Atlassian for the Earth Month Ecochallenge!
This list wouldn’t be complete without Atlassian Community 2020 Year in Review. This post is a wonderful look at some of the highlight statistics about the Community over the past year. If you are a Data nerd, you will very much enjoy reading through this!
If you are interested in getting involved in some trending discussions, you might want to check these out too!
I hope everyone finds these enjoyable to read and be sure to check back soon for more great content!
Jimmy Seddon
Sr R&D Tools Administrator
Arctic Wolf
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
181 accepted answers