Welcome Wednesday: School's Out For Summer!


Happy Wednesday Everyone!

This one goes out to all my fellow parents, especially those working full time who have likely be searching for the perfect summer camps & activities for their kids to participate in for the next two months.

This is the first year that my wife and I have needed to consider this as last year my wife was on maternity leave with our baby girl and was more than happy to watch both kids while I was working. Before that, our son was in daycare ahead of being of school age and that runs all year.

As our son is almost 6 years old and is still figuring out what his interests are, we decided to enroll him in a number of different camps (each a week long) so that he would have a variety of experiences and hopefully next year would either be interested in doing a variety again or would have a better idea of what he was interested in.

My question for you this week: Have you signed your kids up for camp? If so, what are they participating in? If you don’t have kids, did you attend camp when you were younger?

One of the most unique camps that our son will be attending is the “Critter Camp“ put on by the local humane society. He will have an opportunity to interact with a number of the animals at the same shelter that we adopted both of our dogs from.

I’d love to hear about your experiences from when you were younger, or what you have planned for your kids this year in the comments below.

Have a great rest of the week!



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June 28, 2023

My children like to use sandboxes this summer !

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Thorhalla Gudmundsdottir Beck
June 28, 2023

My son turned fourteen last march and there is a weird gap in summer activities around here for that age (ca. 13-15 seem to have a lot less opportunities for activities). Maybe everybody assumes kids this age will go to "summer work" or "work school" which is pretty much minimum wage gardening work for the city 😝 and I have very little faith in that stuff (they won't learn any "work" skills at all really). Last year I did find some crafts courses for him but this year I think the only thing he'll do is a week long archery course (he also did one last year). But then we'll just try to go camping ourselves and go for walks and stuff.

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Peter Domankus
June 29, 2023

That Critter Camp sounds interesting. Wish we had something similar here.

However my son is 22 months only so no camps yet. He will stick to his nanny and he'll start attending kindergarten on September.

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Robert.Geritano June 29, 2023

Camp is starts Monday for my cousins 2 year old.  He is so excited :) 

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Amanda Barber
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June 30, 2023

My 8-year-old is in lots of camps this summer! She's off to a Girl Scout day camp for a week, Cheer Camp for another week, YMCA camp for another week, and she did summer school for the first two weeks of summer. It's harder to find stuff for my 12-year-old to participate in, but she's off to a half-day soccer camp. They're both heading to a fantastic art camp, too! (I'm a bit jealous!)

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Carlos Chang
July 4, 2023

Such a warm community, not only helping each other out on technical problems but also engage in casual chats about children's summer activities :)

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Aslan Bennington-Barr
July 4, 2023

I wish I'd gone to camps like those when I was younger!

I did Scouts as a kid which unfortunately only runs in the school terms. Scouts is certainly an extremely valuable experience and I'd highly recommend it.

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Summer Hogan
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July 6, 2023

I don't have kids so thank goodness I don't have to deal with the situation of what to do with them when school is out!

I personally though attended some Summer camps when I was younger. They were mostly through the LDS church and I remember them being so much fun! 

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August 8, 2023

August is the best month of the year. With my family, I got the opportunity to celebrate birthdays, to go to fests around us. Definitely it is my favourite month.

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