Can I use Butler to add custom fields when new cards are added to a specific list?

Brinn Leach-Wilson August 1, 2022

I want to add two custom dropdowns to new cards when created in a specific list.

For example, when a new card is created in the business development list I want to use butler to a custom field dropdown named type and one named focus (already built).  I don't want them added to new cards created in any other list.

1 answer

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Jackie August 1, 2022

Hi Brinn,

When you create a rule in Butler there should be a trigger where you can change it if the card is created in a specific list. You can even customize it further to limit it to cases if the card was created in that list by you, anybody, or anybody but you. 

I added a screenshot below. Hope this helps!


Brittany Joiner
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August 1, 2022

Yes! And to add on to this, you'll want to use the action for set custom field value to x, tied to that trigger Jackie showed above!


Brinn Leach-Wilson October 6, 2022

What I was hoping to do was only see specific custom fields based on the list.  For example, on my business development list I only need to see custom fields named purpose, type and sales contact. When the card moves to the prospect list I need the additional custom fields named probability and amount.  Finally when the card moves to the active project (sold/won) I need to see the custom fields engagement manager and project manager.  Right now all the custom fields are on all the cards.

Brittany Joiner
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October 6, 2022

@Brinn Leach-Wilson i think you can do this with the Amazing Fields Power-Up!

Brinn Leach-Wilson October 6, 2022

Yep, I also use Amazing field but you can't report on those fields.

Allen -Amazing PowerUps-
Rising Star
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October 6, 2022

When you say "report", do you mean export or do you mean bring into another powerup / system?   


You can do both of those with Amazing Fields but you may need to use the custom field integration.  It can all get a bit hairy, but should be possible.

Brinn Leach-Wilson October 6, 2022

I was thinking about exporting the board.  Right now Amazing Fields does not show up on the export but that could be because I'm using the free version.

Allen -Amazing PowerUps-
Rising Star
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October 7, 2022

Amazing Fields has the ability to do a CSV export that includes all the extra fields it manages.  If you need a more advanced export through another powerup, then you can map any fields in Amazing Fields to synced custom fields.  This will allow the other powerup to see the data and export it.  Amazing Fields includes browser extensions that will hide these mapping fields in the UI.




Again, not sure this is the perfect solution for what you want, but just throwing it out there as an option.

Brinn Leach-Wilson October 7, 2022

Hi Allen, 

Thanks for the information.  I'm a Trello premium user and when exporting the board Amazing field data elements are not included in the export.  You are correct that through Amazing Fields you can export if you are a supporter (paid) and although we use the power-up we do not pay for it. 

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