Next-gen project - disable auto card hiding in `Done`

Tim Kras January 6, 2021

Hi guys, does anyone know how to disable automatic card hiding from "Done" stack after two weeks in a "next-gen" project? It's supposedly somewhere in board settings, but there are no board setting in "next-gen" projects? Or have I missed something? (I'm a n00b here because my company uses Jira, but been on Trello since 2014).


And, if anyone from Atlassian team reads this:

Why do you guys feel compelled to make such a straightforward thing as a kanban board so overly-complicated? I'm sure I'm not the only one who doesn't have all day to spend searching and reading forums and waste other people's time as well, looking for a solution to a laughably trivial problem that would not even arise if the product were simply left alone.

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Kian Stack Mumo Systems
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January 6, 2021

@Tim Kras

I think you might be reading about/thinking about functionality that comes with the classic Kanban boards. This setting isn't available for Next-gen projeccts.



Tim Kras January 6, 2021

Thanks @Kian Stack Mumo SystemsAppreciate the response.

@Atlassian - if you read this, please fix it. Not just this setting, but this whole attitude. Enforcing an information-hiding default behavior with no way change it - is perplexing at best.

This is another straw of too many already (in 2 short months that I've used your software) to keep nagging my management to switch to good tools like Trello and Notion that allow to actually get things done instead of having to learn to work around their limitations and nonsensical design choices.

Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
January 6, 2021

Hi @Tim Kras . We're sorry this doesn't meet your needs and it is something we are considering in the future. The Board within next-gen represents active work and we opted for automatic clearing as a first step to help reduce noise on the active work view, which was the desire from the majority of people. 

The "Issue navigator" (which can be enabled through project settings -> features) allows you yo view all issues in your project.

And a workaround if you do not want to control exactly when you clear issues from the Board would be to enable sprints. Once you are ready to clear the done issues, you could then complete the sprint and begin another. 

Apologies again


Product manager, next-gen

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