Jira formdialog doesn't close

George Zhao May 12, 2017

I'm using the following code to create issues with a popup dialog. I want to create issues via HTML links such that the field value can be initilized in the form.

The dialog popups up, meanwhile after I click the create button, the dialog redirects to issue detail page and doesn't close. I need to close the dialog as soon as I click the create button.

Can someone help me? Thank you!



<head><meta name="decorator" content="atl.general">

<script type="text/javascript">


JIRA.bind(JIRA.Events.NEW_CONTENT_ADDED, function (e, $ctx) {

function initLargeDialogs(context) {
context.find("a.trigger-dialog-large").each(function () {
new JIRA.FormDialog({
trigger: this,
id: this.id + "-dialog",
ajaxOptions: {
url: this.href,
data: {
decorator: "dialog",
inline: "true"
widthClass: "large"





<a id="createLink" class="aui-button aui-button-primary aui-style trigger-dialog-large"
href="/jira/secure/CreateIssueDetails!init.jspa?pid=10000&issuetype=10000&projectkey=one&summary=none&reporter=admin&assignee=admin&decorator=popup" >Create issue</a>



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