Extract activity tab details of a particular issue to a csv file using jira rest api and node js

Nidhi Shah July 16, 2017


I am working on extracting the details of issues during a particular period into a csv file. I am using jira rest api and node js.

However I need help in extracting all the activity tab data into the csv file.

My code for extracting the data is as follows:

var searchString="project='okrs' and ((createdDate<='2017/11/1' and createdDate>='2017/3/1') or (updatedDate <='2017/11/1' and updatedDate >='2017/3/1')) "
.then(function(issue) {
var fields = ['ISSUE_Number', 'TITLE', 'STATUS'];
var myISSUE=[];
for(var i=0;i<issue.total;i++){

"TITLE": issue.issues[i].fields.status.name,
"STATUS": issue.issues[i].fields.summary,

var csv = json2csv({ data: myISSUE});
fs.writeFile('file.csv', csv, function(err) {
if (err) throw err;
console.log('file saved');
}) ;
.catch(function(err) {

 I am able to retrieve the json object however i am not understanding how i should retrieve the activity tab related data into csv.

Please help...

1 answer

0 votes
DILEEP KUMAR February 1, 2019

Hi Nidhi,

Please go through the below link:-


This may help you.



Dileep kumar

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