Jira to OpsGenie integration: Trouble with priority field

Chris Anderson
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October 8, 2024

We are having trouble with the Jira Service Management integration in OpsGenie. d

We would like to create new OpsGenie Alerts when new JSM tickets are created, as well as set the priority in the alert based on the priority in JSM. We're running into a problem in which the Priority always comes through as "TBD," so OpsGenie always sets the alert to P3. This is likely because the JSM ticket's priority is set by an Automation rule, which typically occurs 2-3 seconds after creation.  

Is there a way to force the integration to wait until a Priority is set?
Or to only create an alert when the priority field is changed?

Any other creative solutions to this?


Thanks in advance!

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Atlassian Team
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October 10, 2024

Hey Chris, 
Thanks for reaching out to Atlassian Community. 

We do have a ticket opened for that and it's in progress at the moment. You can follow it here - https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/JSDCLOUD-9565 

In the meantime, there is a workaround, that can be found here - https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Opsgenie-questions/How-do-I-match-JSM-to-Opsgenie-priority-level/qaq-p/1583386 

Please let me know if it helps and if you have any further questions.

Best Regards,

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