Configure priority level (P1, P2...) for alerts created via Slack

markus-neuhoff October 21, 2024

We've configured the official Opsgenie Slack integration and can use the following command to create an alert:

/genie alert Test Alert for Response Team

Which successfully creates the alert:


Alert will be created

However, all alerts are created as P3s and I can't find a place to configure the priority level for all alerts created by this command. Also, since the response doesn't include the tinyid, I can't use the update priority command, since I don't have the tinyid at the time of alert creation:

/genie update priority to P1 for tinyid-I-do-not-have

We're currently using this workflow to allow our support staff, who don't have access to Opsgenie to create alerts for responding teams. However since all of their alerts are created as P3s, alert rules are not properly firing to notify the on-call team members.

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Wei Wung
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
October 22, 2024

Hi @markus-neuhoff 

Thank you for reaching out! 

To see the alert Id, go to the Slack channel receiving the notification messages from Opsgenie to send the "/genie alert Test Alert for Response Team" command.  That way, the user would have the tinyId and a way to change the alert priority via the Slack alert dropdown.

The following screenshot is an example of a Slack Message from Opsgenie (via the Slack integration -- make sure the "Create" Alert action is check at the bottom of the Slack integration. This will cause Slack messages to be sent when alerts are created)


How do you update the Opsgenie alert Priority?

1. If the user creating the Opsgenie alert from Slack has access to the Slack channel receiving the slack messages from Opsgenie, then they can update the alert priority via the Slack message > click "Other action..." > select "Update Priority" > to update the alert priority


2. A second way is to use the "/genie list alerts" command to list the alerts immediately after creating the alert so that you can see which one you have created to then set its alert priority. If you have team routing rules and notification policies that are filtering on alert priority values, those won't get triggered when alert priority is modified after the alert is created. You can, however, filter based on the Source field, for example "Source contains SlackApp".

3. If you are on the Opsgenie Standard plan or higher, you can use an Alert Policy (filtering on: Source contains SlackApp) to modify the alert priority on alert creation.  This way, if there are Team routing rules, or alert notification policies that are based on alert priority, those would get triggered correctly. 

Hope the above help.  Please let us know if we can be of further assistance or reachout to us via []  


markus-neuhoff October 28, 2024

That works, thanks!

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