Hello everybody, it's the beginning of the most wonderful time of the year. A time for baking cookies (and giving your admin some of them), peace on Earth, decorate almost everything, listen to "Last Christmas" in an endless loop. A time for hunting christmas gifts in crowded cities, drinking "Glühwein" at Christmas markets, but also spending time with friends and family.
This year's advent calendar is looking back to a lot of fun we had here in the Community. Every day, a new calendar door will open, leading to some funny Community posts. So, stay tuned and come back daily. And don't forget: You can still add comments to the various topics you'll find behind the calendar doors (or here of course). Seize the opportunity and take part in the funny side of Community!
If you missed last year's calendar - it is still available:
Have a jolly Advent time!
Last year, @Paul G asked for your favorite holiday gift.
We are curious: what was your favorite holiday gift this year? Tell us when you're back after Christmas!
But first: I wish you all a very merry Christmas and a happy new year 2019. Spend these days with your beloved friends and family. Have fun, good talks and good food, play boardgames, stay offline (after you read this, of course) and enjoy a lot of peaceful moments. See you next year on Community and in April in Las Vegas! You're the best!
Let's travel back in time - Remember the time, when you were a kid.
Did you want to be an IT specialist when you were young? Or a famous princess? A president? An Astronaut? Community Manager?
@Meg Holbrookasked in April and we answered.
Post a picture of your childhood and tell us the truth about your masterplan becoming a Community Manager (or whatever you masterplanned in your childhood)!
Just one more day...
In February, @Ignacio Pulgar asked for your favourite quote.
Read some famous words from scientists, movies, theatre plays, some from out of this world, some from famous books, very old ones and newer ones.
Do you remember some very special words? What's your most famous quote? There are so many more of them. We need quotes for our Christmas cards!
(Well, I know, it's quite late for Christmas cards - but it's never too late for Christmas Cards - even if they arrive just months later, you can treat them as Birthday cards... @Monique vdB knows what I'm talking about ;-) )
2 days left...
Let's talk a little bit more about books, let's talk about a future book, a very special book - your biography!
Most of you haven't even reached half the age for writing a biography, but maybe you already have a title for your book? @Meg Holbrook asked in October and some of us replied. Your answer is still missing!
Another bonus question for earning the december badge: What could be a good title of Santa Claus' biography?
3 days left...
In September 2017 @Monique vdB asked for book recommendations
I think, most of you read one or more new books since then - please update your recommendations, we need more good books for the Christmas days! What is your most favourite book? Do you have books on your wishlist? Or bought some as a present for your beloved ones? We won't tell them, don't worry.
And since it is almost too late for ordering Christmas presents online, buy them at your local independent bookstore, if you still have one! Support your local bookstore! Now!
4 days left...
Do you have a pet? A lot of us do as you can see in this thread posted by @Monique vdB in September 2017.
There are not only cats and dogs, but also turkeys, a lemur, a monkey, a chicken. And even the pets have their pets, as @Kimberly Deal _Columbus ACE_'s picture is proving.
Show us your cat, dog, hamster, rabbit, reindeer, spider or snake and tell us a funny story about them! Especially about your reindeer. I'm sure, you have one, somewhere in your northpole cottage. You know, the one with the red nose...
5 days left...
Hmm, you don't like Durian? Well, then maybe @zack's Friday-Fun is a source of inspiration for your Christmas dinner: What would be your last meal on Earth?
Here's the Community Christmas menu:
A special welcome drink for @Jack Brickey : Pina Colada
Then we'll begin with pizza and tacos as a healthy little starter,
The main course: Burger with a steak and spaghetti or lamb with Chicken Biryani and Lobster with a side order of Fish & Chips and an extra-life-mushroom.
As dessert, we take a bucket of Nutella and a Frankfurter Kranz.
After that, you will clearly sleep until New Years Eve...
What's your Christmas menu? We want to know everything!
6 days left...
Just one more week until Christmas Eve. It's time to think about your Christmas dinner. Do you still have no idea? Maybe you find something here in @Meg Holbrook's Miscellanous Monday question for pointless food.
As a starter, you could serve Cottage Cheese with shrimps. A main course suggestion: Surströmming with kale and as dessert: Durian.
What will you never ever serve as Christmas dinner?
7 days left...
Today is the third sunday in Advent - before you light the third candle on your advent wreath, you should confess your biggest screw-up at work. @Mahesh S asked you in April to do so.
Read the worrying stories about Jira, creating thousands of wrong issue types, a more than local Oracle installation, a simple letter causing headaches, how to crash the email server, removing production data and many more.
Don't be shy, tell us your screw-up story. We promise not to tell...
8 days left...
In June, @Bridget baffled us with riddles
From Children's riddles to logical puzzles and brainburners, everything's allowed.
Choose doors, learn more about animals in the sun, family outing on a river and pink houses. Which riddle is the best, the hardest or the funniest you ever solved? Tell us more!
9 days left...
In February, @Daniel Eads introduced Confluence Abstract Art. Everyone's an artist, so are you.
Create your new Avatar based on your Confluence System Info page! What? You don't know how to transform your data into an avatar? Look at Daniel's post and some great avatar recommendations including cats, robots and flowy hair! We want to see your avatar! Now!
10 days left...
Another beautiful place might be your working place. We already saw pictures of your desk, but in August, @Community Manager asked for pictures of the view outside your window.
You can find a lot of things behind your windows, from skyscrapers to beautiful parks, from clouds to parking lots, babies looking through the roof window and even X-Files... What?? X-Files? I told you already, the truth is out there...
Look at the others windows and don't forget to post your own view!
11 days left...
Have you planned your next year's vacation yet? What do you think of spending some days in April in Las Vegas - you can meet lots of us Community people there at Atlassian Summit.
Unconvinced? Need more ideas? Then look at the travel recommendations by travel agency @Monique vdB and Friends.
Read more about the most beautiful places in the world proposed by @Nick Muldoon, @Community Manager, @BiancaE, @Nic Brough -Adaptavist-, @Ana Retamal, @Jodi LeBlanc, @MarcAnthony005 and @Thomas Schlegel.
What's your most beautiful place in the world? Tell us where you will travel to after we met in Las Vegas.
12 days left...
It takes eleven people on the 11th of December to build a soccer team.
Of course, this year, soccer has been a topic for Friday Fun. In May, @Omar Herrera asked for funny pictures and stories about our favourite teams.
Read about the relationship between World Cup Finals and themeparks, see beautiful orange crowns, the opposite of messy and a world cup quiz.
How did you spend these crazy World Cup days in summer 2018? In Germany, we didn't have so much fun this year. How about you? Tell us more!
13 days left...
Sing Sing Sing Sing - Everybody starts to sing...
What is your song? The one, that is played when you enter the boxing ring, the one that is played when you walk down the show stairway. Or when you enter the room, in case you don't like the big stage. @Meg Holbrook asked and received some interesting answers.
Guess who chose Queen, David Bowie, Jack White, Survivor or Destiny's Child - and we are still waiting for your song, the song that you sing while dancing around the Christmas tree.
14 days left...
(This number is just for you, @Jack Brickey)
Still looking for presents, maybe one for yourself? The Community shop for christmas gift inspirations gives recommendations for games and board games:
@Monique vdB and @Brittany Wispell asked for your favorite (board) games in October 2017 and June 2018. Get inspired by dozens of recommendations in these threads and don't forget to post your own favourites!
15 days left...
(The first days had to be removed because of the character limit for articles. You can find the lost days here.)
Thomas Schlegel
Hamburg, Germany
615 accepted answers