Importing from trello, including existing jira users. Message says created new users, but inactive.

James James
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September 27, 2019

I'm importing cards from trello following the instructions here:


But now I get the message:

User Access

"What would you like to do with creadted users?"

"Your import processs has just crdated 81 users.  These users are now inactive and they cannot login to JRIA, you can change below.

 radio button "Leave then as inactive for now, these can be change din User Mangement section later"

radio "Set their application access manually"


So the existing Jira users whose emails I used to import from Trello cannot login?

I see there are some bugs here


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Alex Koxaras _Relational_
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January 22, 2023

Hi @James James 

That message is correct. Jira creates your user but do not activates them. This means that you will no be charged or surpass the upper limit of your tier (if your plan is annual) until you decide what to do with them. If you want them to access Jira then simply activate them. 

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